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Some philosophical questions about space and time
The Greek philosophers
Time as moving according to number (Plato)
Time a puzzle to Aristotle
Plotinus expands on Aristotle
Augustine and subjective time
Is time real? (Kant)
Temporality fundamental to being (Heidegger)
Insights from psychology and anthropology
Hints about eternity
Time standing still
Jung and synchronicity
Ontological importance of time (Panikkar)
Is time linear or cyclic?
Time and teleology
Primal cultures and time
What is science saying about spacetime?
Time is relative
From 3D to 4D
Nature of spacetime a mystery
Travel into future is possible
There is no universal "now"
Problem areas for theology
Dominus Iesus
Salvation and the liturgy
Image of God
Linear time
Liturgical problems
Cause and effect
Dualisms : God as a receptacle
Time as an illusion
Image of God
Model 1: Time as an illusion : time is now
Liturgical time
Kairic time
Sacramentality and the patristic period
Retro-active sacraments
Application to spacetime
Spatio-temporal constructions of humans
Time as clockwork : a succession of events
Model 2: Time as clockwork : a succession of events
Time in the Bible
Eschatological and apocalyptic time
Creation out of nothing?
Christ-centered time
Points of convergence
Time as becoming
Model 3: time as becoming
Process theology
Does God know beforehand?
The God-world relationship
Incarnational dimension
Some weaknesses in process theology
Time as a secondary construction
Model 4: time as a secondary construction
A theological response
Free or not?
Process theology and free will
A new concept : spacetime
Liturgical and sacramental
Inclusive of synchronicity
Acceptance of mystery of spacetime.

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