

Introduction: Subjects and vocabulary of art history
Birth of art: Africa, Europe, and the Near East in the Stone Age
Rise of civilization: art of the ancient Near East
Pharaohs and the afterlife: art of ancient Egypt
Minos and the heroes of Homer: art of the prehistorical Aegean
Gods, heroes, and athletes: art of ancient Greece
Paths of enlightenment: art of South and Southeast Asia before 1200
Silk road and beyond: art of early China and Korea
Shrines, statues, and scrolls: art of early Japan
Italy before the Romans: art of the Etruscans
From seven hills to three continents: art of ancient Rome
Pagans, Christians, and Jews: art of late antiquity
Rome in the East: art of Byzantium
In praise of Allah: art of the Islamic world
From Alaska to the Andes: Native arts of the Americas before 1300
South from the Sahara: early African art
Europe after the fall of Rome: early medieval art in the West
Age of pilgrimages: Romanesque art
Age of great cathedrals: Gothic art
Gothic to Renaissance: 14th-century Italian art
Piety, passion, and politics: 15th-century art in Northern Europe and Spain
Humanism and the allure of antiquity: 15-century Italian art
Beauty, science, and spirit in Italian art: high Renaissance and mannerism
Age of Reformation: 16th-century art in Northern Europe and Spain
Popes, peasants, monarchs, and merchants: baroque art
Sultans, kings, emperors, and colonists: art of South and Southeast Asia after 1200
From the Mongols to the modern: art of later China and Korea
From the Shoguns to the present: art of later Japan
Enlightenment and its legacy: art of the late 18th through the mid-19th century
Rise of Modernism: art of the later 19th century
Before and after the conquistadors: Native arts of the Americas after 1300
Flourishing of island cultures: art of Oceania
Traditionalism and Internationalism: 19th- and 20th- century African arts
Development of modernist art: early 20th century
From the modern to the postmodern and beyond: art of the later 20th century

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