

Introduction: Abraham Lincoln, Wordsmith
Lessons of Life
Letter to Jesse W. Fell, December 20, 1859
Autobiography Written for the 1860 Presidential Campaign, circa June 1860
To the People of Sangamo County, March 9, 1832
Address to the Young Men's Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois, January 27, 1838
Letter to John D. Johnston, December 24, 1848
Letter to John D. Johnston, November 4, 1851
Address to the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, Milwaukee, Wisconson, September 30, 1859
Handbill on Religion: To the Voters of the Seventh Congressional District, July 31, 1846
Becoming a Republican
Henry Clay, Whig Statesman
Eulogy on Henry Clay, July 6, 1852
The Kansas-Nebraska Act
Speech on the Kansas-Nebraska Act at Peoria, Illinois, October 16, 1854
Justifications of Slavery
Fragment on Slavery, possibly 1854
"Where I Now Stand"
Letter to Joshua F. Speed, August 24, 1855
The Dred Scott Decision
Speech on the Dred Scott Decision, June 26, 1857
Leading the Republican Party
A House Divided
"A House Divided" Speech at Springfield, Illinois, June 16, 1858
The Lincoln-Douglas Debates
First Lincoln-Douglas Debate, August 21, 1858
Fourth Lincoln-Douglas Debate, September 18, 1858
Fifth Lincoln-Douglas Debate, October 7, 1858
Sixth Lincoln-Douglas Debate, October 13, 1858
Seventh Lincoln-Douglas Debate, October 15, 1858
Partisan Tactics
Letter to Norman B. Judd, October 20, 1858.

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