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Part I: Perceptions and realities. The politics of Zan from Amanullah to Karzai: lessons for improving Afghan women's status / Sbireen Khan Burki ; Between covered and covert: traditions, stereotypes, and Afghan women's agency / Margaret A. Mills ; Centuries of threat, centuries of resistance: the lessons of Afghan women's resilience / Anne E. Brodsky ; Don't say what, who, and when, say how: community development and women / Wahid Omar ; Afghanistan blues: seeing beyond the Burqa on Youtube / Dinah Zeiger
Part II: A woman's place. "Women's political presence: a path to promoting gender interests? / Anna Larson ; Voices of parliamentarians: four women MPs share their thoughts / Massouda Jalal ... [et al.] ; Nothing left to lose: women in prison / Lizette Potgieter ; Selling sex in Afghanistan: portraits of sex workers in Kabul / Alisa Tang ; Between choice and force: marriage practices in Afghanistan / Deborah J. Smith
Part III: To be whole in bidy and mind. The hidden war against women: health care in Afghanistan / Sima Samar ; Challenges to cripple the spirit: a midwife's experiences / Pamela Chandler ; Women with disabilities: recollections from across the decades / Mary Macmakin ; A question of access: women and food security / Elizabeth Stites ; Psychological impacts of war: human rights and mental health / Nahid Aziz
Part IV: Making the rubble bloom. Mending Afghanistan stitch by stitch: how traditional crafts and social organization advance Afghan women / Rachel Lehr ; Rural women's livelihood: their position in the agrarian economy / Jo Grace, Adam Pain ; Chadari politics: translating perceptions into policy and practice / Lina Abirafeh ; When the picture does not fit the frame: engaging afghan men in women's empowerment / Ashraf Zahedi
Part V: "Don't eclipse my happy new moon". Empowering women through education: recipe for success / Sakena Yacoobi ; From both sides of the mic: women and the media / Aunohita Mojumdar ; Painting their way into the public world: women and the visual arts / Lauryn Oates ; A hidden discourse: Afghanistan's women poets / Zuzanna Olszewska
Epilogue: Great expectations. Hopes and dreams: interviews with young Afghans / Amina Kator.

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