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The beginning of the American Revolution in the conversion of Northampton. The travail of the Puritan covenant
Original sin: human limitations and the openness of community
God is no respecter of persons: the ordinary, lowly, and infantile nature of the revival
The "strange revolution" and the aesthetics of grace
The second great awakening, the national period, and Melville's American destiny. Pierre; or, The Ambiguities and the formation of the American dilemma
A revolutionary marriage deferred
The mystery of Melville's darkwoman
From "self" to "soul": W.E.B. Du Bois's critical understanding of the ideals of liberal democracy in the new world. Strange Jeremiah: civil religion and the public intellectual
Strivings and original sin: the unlovely, plural American soul
The talented tenth and colonizing heroes
Du Bois's aesthetic of beauty in the new world
The irony of the American self.

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