

The free Negro in Mississippi before the Civil War, by C.S. Sydnor.
The traditions of the free Negro in Charleston, South Carolina, by E.H. Fitchett.
Racial segregation in ante-bellum New Orleans, by R.A. Fischer.
The free Negro in the economic life of ante-bellum North Carolina, by J.H. Franklin.
Peter Still versus the peculiar institution, by R.B. Toplin.
The Negroes of Cincinnati prior to the Civil War, by C.G. Woodson.
The Providence Negro community, 1820-1842, by J. Rammelkamp.
The Negro vote in old New York, by D.R. Fox.
The Negro in gold rush California, by R.M. Lapp.
The rise of Negro society, by R.A. Warner.
The Federal Government and the free Negro, by L. Litwack.

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