

Unthinking decision, enslavement of Africans in America to 1700
Slavery and freedom, the American paradox / Edmund S. Morgan
Mounting anxiety among whites / Peter H. Wood
The mixing of peoples / Gary B. Nash
Slavery to freedom / Leon F. Litwack
Chattels personal / Kenneth M. Stampp
In the name of humanity and the cause of reform / Eugene D. Genovese
Slave and citizen / Frank Tannenbaum
The legal framework of cuban slavery / Franklin W. Knight
Slvery compared / Carl N. Degler
Toward a comparative analysis of race relations / Thomas E. Skidmore
The dynamics of unopposed capitalism and slavery in capitalist and noncapitalist cultures / Stanley M. Elkins
Capitalist and pseudo-capitalist features of the slave economy and the origins of slavery expansionism / Eugene D. Genovese
The Republicans and race / Eric Foner.

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