

Athena's city
1. The water-clock: time to be judged
2. Athena's city
3. Socrates in the Agora
4. The Stoa of the King
5. The first blood sacrifice
6. Checks, balances and magic-men
7. Persuade or obey
8. Peitho, the power of persuasion

Socrates as a young man
9. Alopeke: a philosopher is born
10. Kerameikos: potters and beautiful boys
11. Pericles: high society, and democracy as high theatre
12. Delos: and the birth of an empire
13. Purple ambition
14. Paddling in the river, sweating in the gym: Socratic youth
15. Gym-hardened fighting men
16. 'Golden Age' Athens
17. Aspasia: Sophe kai politike, wise and politically astute

Socrates the soldier
18. Samos
19. Flexing muscles
20. Socrates the soldier
21. Demons and virtues
22. The plague

New gods, new possibilities: Socrates in middle age
23. Silver Owls and a wise owl
24. Hot air in the Agora
25. Democracy, liberty and freedom of speech
26. The good life: after dark
27. Delphi, the Oracle
28. Gnothi seauton: know yourself
29. Aristocrats, democrats and the realities of war

The fight goes on
30. The Peloponnesian War, phase two: a messy siege
31. Brickbats and bouquets
32. Amphipolis

Socrates and love
33. Socrates in the symposium
34. The trouble with love
35. Oh, tell me the truth about love
36. Diotima: a very social priestess
37. Little Bears
38. Xanthippe
39 Alcibiades: violet-crowned, punch-drunk

Cutting down the tallest corn
40. Melos
41. Venus de Milo abused
42. Priest of nonsense: playing with fire
43. Sicily
44. Rivers of blood
45. Decelea: closing down the mines
46. Time of terror
47. Arginusae: standing out in the crowd
48. Tall poppies, cut corn
49. Thirty Tyrants

The trial and death of Socrates
50. The scapegoat
51. An apology
52. Twilight and Delos at dawn
53. Socrates bound
54. Flight from the world

Coda: The tomb of Socrates: the Tower of the Winds
Appendix one: Honouring Aphrodite
Appendix two: Mysteria: the Eleusinian Mysteries.

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