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1. ...Or a tornado or earthquake drill : A brief history of crisis intervention ; History of crisis on college campuses ; The contemporary college scene 2. Boilerplate: the basics of crisis intervention : Transcrisis states ; Universality and idiosyncrasy ; Theories of crisis and crisis intervention ; Applied crisis domains ; Crisis intervention models ; Universal versus a focused view of diversity/multiculturalism ; Culturally biased assumptions ; The environment's impact on cultural development ; Culturally effective helping
3. Herding cats: organizing a crisis response : Crisis planning primer: common terms ; Current state of crisis management planning in higher education ; Building blocks for crisis management plans Three C's of crisis management planning
4. Duller than dirt: more valuable than gold: policies and procedures : Policy development ; Drafting policy ; Review of policy drafts ; Basic risk management recommendations ; Sample threats policy
5. The best of times and the worst of times: the tale of two laws : Tarasoff and its impact on policy ; Virginia Tech Inspector General Report: going beyond Tarasoff ; Virginia Tech counseling center actions taken ; Virginia Tech follow-up system
6. Reality check: entry into the system : Consulting ; Practice ; Case study: Central University ; Case study: crisis at Central University
7. What you see is what you get...or maybe not: assessment of the system : Chronosystem system ; Organizational factors affected by a crisis ; Timeline for assessment ; Assessment procedures ; Methods for assessment
8. No rest for the weary: system recovery after a crisis : Eight-step model for organizations ; Using the eight-step model ; Nine intervention strategies
9. Not buying a pig in a poke : Understanding threats ; Triage assessment scale for students in learning environments (TASSLE) ; Threat assessment teams
10. Basic training : The eight-step model of crisis intervention in college environments (individuals) ; Moving on the directive, collaborative, nondirective continuum ; Tools of the trade ; Don'ts ; Basic strategies of crisis intervention ; Listening and responding in crisis intervention ; Facilitative listening in crisis intervention ; Acting in crisis intervention: staying safe ; Stages of intervention ; Rules of the road
11. One day at a time: survivorship in the aftermath : Survivorship ; Remembrance services ; Memorials ; Survivor recovery
12. Leadership checklist: preparing your campus for crisis : Make crisis planning a leadership imperative ; Ensure understanding of FERPA, HIPAA, and OSHA ; Develop a crisis management plan ; Make the budget available ; Insist on multiple copies of disaster plans and infrastructure ; Drawings ; Ensure comprehensive assessment of each critical incident ; Ensure proper communication and dissemination of information ; Ensure the accuracy of your student contact information ; Communicate and partner with outside agencies ; Require regular crisis training and situational exercises ; Be prepared to take the lead and use different methods ; Seek counsel on risk-management recommendations ; Develop a comprehensive recovery plan ; Be prepared to utilize recovery to achieve long-term goals ; Determine alternatives to minimize enrollment loss ; Identify resources on your campus ; Remember: people first!

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