

Combat stress and post-traumatic stress disorder
Combat mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI/concussion)
Navigating the home-zone area of operations: introduction to "LANDNAV"
Life survival skills, warrior reflexes and sleep
Skill 1: become more aware of your reactions by writing about them
Skill 2: learn to accept your reactions without judgment or anger
Skill 3: improve physical conditioning and relax muscle tension
Skill 4: improve sleep
Skill 5: learn how alcohol or drugs affect your reactions
Attend to and modulate your reactions
Skill 1: learn to pay attention to your physiological reactions and anxiety level
Skill 2: learn to pay attention to your feelings and emotions
Skill 3: create space between your reactions to stressful events and behaviors
Skill 4: learn to monitor and eliminate "should" and related words or phrases
Skill 5: notice your breathing
Skill 6: improve your focus and attention through meditation and mindfulness
Narrate your story
Deal with stressful situations
Skill 1: resiliency inoculation training (facing your fears)
Skill 2: dealing with the "stupid stuff" people do
Skill 3: dealing with more-serious situations involving people
Skill 4: dealing with anger, rage, and related emotions

Navigate the mental health care system
Stigma and other barriers to care
Road map for getting help
Types of treatment offered: the cold, hard facts
Disability and treatment
Acceptance: living and coping with major losses
Skill 1: understanding the emotions of loss
Skill 2: exploring the connections between complex and primary emotions
Skill 3: letting go of unanswerable questions
Skill 4: coping with grief and survivor's guilt
Skill 5: accepting other difficult events that happened in combat
Navigation strategies for spouses, partners, and family members
Deployment affects everyone
Your strength and independence
Tapping into your resources
Strengthening your relationship and considerations for coping with postwar reactions of your warrior
Considerations for coping with infidelity
Helping your children cope with the stresses of deployment and transition
V = The "V"s!
vision, voice, village, joie de vivre, victory.

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