Linked e-resources


My early environment
The world outside our yard
Movies and vaudeville
Finding a role
The deepening Depression
My high school years
Undergraduate years at Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Entering a new world
Prologue to the Manhattan Project
I go to the "Met Lab"
My visit to Oak Ridge
Nuclear physics research at Columbia University
Photo gallery
I go to Los Alamos
The Pittsburgh years
I return to Los Alamos
The hydrogen bomb
New heavy elements
Thermonuclear testing, 1954-1955
Life at Los Alamos in the 1950s
The nuclear intelligence community
The Oppenheimer hearings
Los Alamos becomes privately owned
Banking at Los Alamos
Poker and theoretical physics
Project Gnome : the add-on wheel experiment
Duplicating Mike neutron exposure
U.S.-U.K. Joint Working Group for Radiochemistry
International symposium, heavy ion physics, Dubna, Russia
Photo gallery II
A trip to the North Pole
Down the Aleutian Islands to Amchitka
The Oklo natural reactor
Disposal of high-level radioactive wastes
The solar neutrino program
Atmospheric dynamics around Antarctica
The White House Science Council
Simplicity and complexity
Photo gallery III
The Santa Fe Institute : its intellectual origins
SFI becomes operational
Behavioral science
My interest in early mental development
What have I learned?
What lies ahead?
Power and complexity.

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