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World society and the proliferation of formal organization / John W. Meyer, Gili S. Drori, and Hokyu Hwang
Global scientization : an environment for expanded organization / Gili S. Drori and John W. Meyer
Planning development : globalization and the shifting locus of planning / Hokyu Hwang
Governed by governance : the new prism for organizational change / Gili S. Drori
The worldwide diffusion of business education, 1881-1999 : historical trajectory and mechanisms of expansion / Hyeyoung Moon and Christine Min Wotipka
The making and expansion of international management standards : the global diffusion of ISO 9000 quality management certificates / Peter Mendel
Transparent accounting as a world societal rule / Yong Suk Jang
Dynamics of corporate responsibility / Suzanne Shanahan and Sanjeev Khagram
The spread of a 'human resources' culture : institutional individualism and the rise of personal development training / Xiaowei Luo
Turning the university into an organizational actor / Georg Krücken and Frank Meier.

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