

Spoon River anthology : Hill ; Fiddler Jones ; Petit, the poet / Edgar Lee Masters
Miniver Cheevy ; Mr. Flood's party / Edwin Arlington Robinson
Creation / James Weldon Johnson
Poet ; Life's tragedy / Paul Laurence Dunbar
Death of the hired man ; Mending wall ; Birches ; Stopping by woods on a snowy evening ; Tree at my window ; Directive / Robert Frost
Patterns / Amy Lowell
Susie Asado ; Tender buttons : Box ; Plate / Gertrude Stein
I sit and sew / Alice Moore Dunbar-Nelson
Grass ; Cahoots / Carl Sandburg
Peter Quince at the Clavier ; Disillusionment of ten o'clock ; Thirteen ways of looking at a blackbird ; Anecdote of the jar ; Emperor of ice-cream ; Of mere being / Wallace Stevens
Fragment / Angelina Weld Grimké
Tract ; Danse Russe ; Red wheelbarrow ; Yachts ; Asphodel, that greeny flower (Book I, lines 1-92) / William Carlos Williams
Moonlight ; There will come soft rains / Sara Teasdale

Jewel stairs' grievance ; River-merchants' wife : a letter ; In a station of the metro ; Hugh Selwyn Mauberley ; Canto LXXXI : (Libretto: "Yet/Ere the season died a-cold") / Ezra Pound
Sea rose ; Helen ; Walls do not fall : 1 ("An incident here and there") ; Hermetic definition : "Red rose and a beggar" : 1 ("Why did you come") ; 2 ("Take me anywhere
") ; 5 ("Venice
Venus?") / Hilda Doolittle (H.D.)
Gale in April ; Shine, perishing republic ; Clouds at evening ; Credo / Robinson Jeffers
Fish ; Poetry ; Poetry / Marianne Moore
Love song of J. Alfred Prufrock ; Preludes ; Waste land / T.S. Eliot
If we must die ; Harlem dancer / Claude McKay
Ars poetica / Archibald MacLeish
First fig ; Recuerdo / Edna St. Vincent Millay
in Just- ; Buffalo Bill's ; Cambridge ladies who live in furnished souls ; next to of course god america i ; somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond ; r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r / E.E. Cummings
Reapers ; November cotton flower ; Portrait in Georgia / Jean Toomer
Medusa ; New moon / Louise Bogan
Dark symphony ; Harlem gallery : Psi ("Black boy, / let me get up from the white man's table
") / Melvin B. Tolson
Bridge [excerpts] : Proem : To Brooklyn Bridge ; II : Powhatan's daughter : The river / Hart Crane
Silent poem / Robert Francis

Negro speaks of rivers ; I, too ; Dream boogie ; Harlem / Langston Hughes
Incident ; To John Keats, poet, at spring time ; Yet do I marvel ; From the dark tower / Countee Cullen
Father and son ; Portrait ; Touch me / Stanley Kunitz
Musée des Beaux Arts ; Epitaph on a tyrant / W.H. Auden
My papa's waltz ; Waking ; In a dark time / Theodore Roethke
Maximus poems : I, Maximus of Gloucester, to you ; Distances / Charles Olson
Fish ; Sestina ; First death in Nova Scotia ; Visits to St. Elizabeths ; One art / Elizabeth Bishop
Mourning poem for the queen of Sunday ; Those winter Sundays ; Frederick Douglass ; Middle passage / Robert Hayden
Effort at speech between two people ; Then I saw what the calling was ; Poem as mask / Muriel Rukeyser
Heavy bear who goes with me / Delmore Schwartz
Dream songs : 4 ("Filling her compact & delicious body") ; 14 ("Life, friends, is boring. We must not say so") ; 29 ("There sat down, once") ; 149 ("This world is gradually becoming a place") ; Henry's understanding / John Berryman
90 north ; Death of the ball turret gunner ; Woman at the Washington Zoo ; Next day / Randall Jarrell
For my daughter / Weldon Kees
Different image / Dudley Randall
Traveling through the dark ; At the bomb testing site / William Stafford

Scars / Ruth Stone
For my people / Margaret Walker
Mother ; Song in the front yard ; Bean eaters ; Lovers of the poor ; We real cool ; Blackstone rangers / Gwendolyn Brooks
"To speak of woe that is in marriage" ; Skunk hour ; For the Union dead / Robert Lowell
Often I am permitted to return to a meadow ; My mother would be a falconress / Robert Duncan
Populist manifesto / Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Parents / William Meredith
Because you asked about the line between prose and poetry / Howard Nemerov
Hyacinth garden in Brooklyn ; August 1945 / Hayden Carruth
Love calls us to the things of this world ; Cottage Street, 1953 ; Writer / Richard Wilbur
Sheep child / James Dickey
Love song : I and thou / Alan Dugan
"More light! More light!" / Anthony Hecht
Degrees of gray in Philipsburg ; Freaks at Spurgin Road Field / Richard Hugo
Poem unwritten ; Caedmon ; Swan in falling snow / Denise Levertov
American poetry / Louis Simpson
Muse of water / Carolyn Kizer
Fresh air ; Permanently / Kenneth Koch

Morning swim ; How it is / Maxine Kumin
Behaving like a Jew ; Dancing ; Another insane devotion / Gerald Stern
City limits ; Corsons Inlet / A.R. Ammons
Snowfall in the afternoon ; Driving to town late to mail a letter ; Waking from sleep / Robert Bly
Flower ; I know a man ; Language ; Rain ; Bresson's movies / Robert Creeley
Victor dog / James Merrill
Steps ; Poem ("Lana Turner has collapsed!") ; Day Lady died / Frank O'Hara
Some trees ; Self-portrait in a convex mirror ; What is poetry / John Ashbery
Bear ; After making love we hear footsteps ; Saint Francis and the sow / Galway Kinnell
Air ; For the anniversary of my death ; Yesterday ; Chord / W.S. Merwin
Blessing ; Autumn begins in Martins Ferry, Ohio ; Lying in a hammock at William Duffy's farm in Pine Island, Minnesota ; In response to a rumor that the oldest whorehouse in Wheeling, West Virginia has been condemned / James Wright
My son my executioner ; Digging / Donald Hall
Animals are passing from our lives ; They feed they lion ; You can have it ; Simple truth / Philip Levine
Her kind ; Abortion ; Wanting to die ; In celebration of my uterus ; Rowing / Anne Sexton
Orion ; Planetarium ; Valediction forbidding mourning ; Twenty-one love poems : XIII ("The rules break like a thermometer
") / Adrienne Rich

Marriage / Gregory Corso
Hay for the horses ; Riprap ; Mid-August at Sourdough Mountain Lookout / Gary Snyder
Far cry from Africa ; Sea grapes ; Schooner : Flight (part 11, After the storm : "There's a fresh light that follows
") ; Light of the world ; Omeros, Book VII, LXIV, i ("I sang of quiet Achille, Afolabe's son
") / Derek Walcott
Let me tell you / Miller Williams
Idea of ancestry / Etheridge Knight
Preface to a twenty volume suicide note ; Agony. As now. ; SOS ; Black art / Amiri Baraka (LeRoi Jones)
Wrong train ; Final sonnet / Ted Berrigan
Power / Audre Lorde
poem at thirty / Sonia Sanchez
Prediction ; Night, the porch / Mark Strand
Stone is nobody's / Russell Edson
Singapore ; Summer day / Mary Oliver
Reunion ; Dead color ; California dreaming / Charles Wright
homage to my hips ; [at last we killed the roaches] ; death of fred clifton ; to my last period / Lucille Clifton
Poem about my rights / June Jordan
1968 / Frederick Seidel

From my window ; Blades / C.K. Williams
Mechanic / Diane Wakoski
Dear John, dear Coltrane ; Last affair : Bessie's blues song ; Grandfather ; Nightmare begins responsibility / Michael S. Harper
Stone ; Fork ; Classic ballroom dances / Charles Simic
Grandmother / Paula Gunn Allen
Ellen West / Frank Bidart
Spring letter ; Two or three wishes / Carl Dennis
Allegory of the cave ; Tucson / Stephen Dunn
History of my heart ; Questions ; Samurai song / Robert Pinsky
Christmas comes to Moccasin Flat / James Welch
Introduction to poetry ; Dead / Billy Collins
Allen Ginsberg ; Weakness / Toi Derricotte
How to like it ; Lullaby / Stephen Dobyns
Song ; Pornographer ; Return of Robinson Jeffers / Robert Hass
My life : A name trimmed with colored ribbons / Lyn Hejinian
Machinist, teaching his daughter to play the piano / B.H. Fairchild
But he was cool or: he even stopped for green lights ; Poem to complement other poems / Haki R. Madhubuti (Don L. Lee)
In memory of the Utah stars ; The accompanist / William Matthews

Language of the brag ; Lifting / Sharon Olds
Barbed wire / Henry Taylor
Black silk ; Under stars / Tess Gallagher
I do not / Michael Palmer
Lost pilot / James Tate
Elizabeth's war with the Christmas bear ; Funeral / Norman Dubie
August, Los Angeles, lullaby / Carol Muske-Dukes
Turtle ; Bestiary / Kay Ryan
Childhood ideogram ; Winter stars / Larry Levis
Looking for Judas / Adrian C. Louis
People of the other village / Thomas Lux
Ballad of Aunt Geneva ; Star-fix / Marilyn Nelson
Albany / Ron Silliman
Cuba, 1962 ; Kid ; Finished / Ai
Thanks ; Tu Do Street ; Facing it ; Nude interrogation / Yusef Komonyakaa
Song of the Andoumboulou : 21 / Nathaniel Mackey
Gathering the bones together ; Two lines from the Brothers Grimm ; Origin of the marble forest / Gregory Orr
Reaching Yellow River / Roberta Hill Whiteman
Away / Albert Goldbarth

Language lesson 1976 ; What he thought / Heather McHugh
In cold storm light / Leslie Marmon Silko
Calypso / Olga Broumas
Latin & soul / Victor Hernández Cruz
Miami heart / Jane Miller
Iris / David St. John
Why Ralph refuses to dance ; Girl friend poem #3 ; Crescent / C.D. Wright
Taking off my clothes / Carolyn Forché
San Sepolcro / Jorie Graham
What the living do / Marie Howe
She had some horses ; My house is the red earth / Joy Harjo
Legend / Garrett Hongo
Begotten ; We were simply talking / Andrew Hudgins
Imagining their own hymns ; Song / Brigit Pegeen Kelly
Meeting the British ; Errata ; Throwback / Paul Muldoon
Quinceañera / Judith Ortiz Cofer
Parsley ; Daystar ; After reading Mickey in the night kitchen for the third time before bed ; Claudette Colvin goes to work / Rita Dove
Our calling / Alice Fulton
Thinking of Galileo ; Hatred / Barbara Hamby

Unholy sonnet 13 / Mark Jarman
Traveling onion ; Arabic ; Wedding cake / Naomi Shihab Nye
Nani ; England finally, like my mother always said we would / Alberto Ríos
Nocturne : Blue waves ; Unfinished / Laurie Sheck
Field poem ; Oranges ; Black hair / Gary Soto
Yellow stars and ice ; Forest / Susan Stewart
Brilliance ; Esta noche ; Bill's story / Mark Doty
Black Nikes / Harryette Mullen
Alcohol / Franz Wright
To my brother ; "Love of my flesh, living death" / Lorna Dee Cervantes
My wicked wicked ways ; Little clown, my heart / Sandra Cisneros
Jack Johnson does the eagle rock ; Crows in a strong wind ; I'm a fool to love you / Cornelius Eady
Indian boarding school : The runaways / Louise Erdrich
Spooning / David Mason
How I got that name ; Composed near the Bay Bridge Survivor / Marilyn Chin
Youngest daughter / Cathy Song
Another reluctance ; Insect / Annie Finch
Gift ; Eating together / Li-young Lee

Our lady ; As from a quiver of arrows / Carl Phillips
Bag of mice ; Cartoon physics, part 1 / Nick Flynn
Venus Hottentot ; Affirmative action blues (1993) ; Equinox / Elizabeth Alexander
White elephants : Million balconies ; Train windows / Reetika Vazirani
What the orphan inherits ; Powwow at the end of the world / Sherman Alexie
Hot combs ; Amateur fighter ; Flounder / Natasha Trethewey
Tantrum / A.E. Stallings
Spare / Joanna Klink
Postfeminism ; Your one good dress / Brenda Shaughnessy
Quivira city limits ; Everywhere is out of town ; Whatever you want / Kevin Young
At Pegasus ; Lady sings the blues / Terrance Hayes.

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