

Prologue. No one is coming to save you: an introduction to zombie economics.
ch. 1. The zombie on the back porch: why opening that pile of bills will save your life
ch. 2. Find all the weapons; block all the windows: know your true income ... and where it actually goes
ch. 3. A basement full of ammo: save yourself by saving money
ch. 4. Don't go in the graveyard: how and why to keep your job ... even if you hate it
ch. 5. They'll eat the fat ones first: fitness as a financial asset
ch. 6. Surviving the graveyard: making the best of our unemployment
ch. 7. Shooting dad in the head: ending your relationships with the financially infected
ch. 8. The trench: financial defenses that work whil you sleep
ch. 9. With friends like these, who needs zombies? Avoiding scams, hucksters, and other financial predators
ch. 10. Setting fire to the house: when you should (and shouldn't) declare bankruptcy
ch. 11. Never give up, never give in: holding out for as long as it takes
ch. 12. The famous final scene
Epilogue. There is no cure: protecting yourself from future threats.

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