

Part 1. Conquest Dynasties and the Northern Song 900-1127
1.. The Five Dynasties
I.. Later Imperial China's Place in History
II.. The Course of Five Dynasties History
III.. The Eastward Shift of the Political Center
IV.. Simultaneous Developments in the Ten States
V.. China and Inner Asia in Geographic and Historical Perspective
2.. Abaoji
I.. The Khitans and Their Neighbors
II.. Ethnic Diversity and Language Community
III.. The Lessons of History
IV.. The New Leader Emerges
V.. The Significance of Khitan Acculturation
VI.. Abaoji Receives Yao Kun, Envoy of the Later Tang Dynasty
3.. Building the Liao Empire
I.. Succession Issues after Abaoji
II.. The Meaning of the Early Liao Succession Crises
III.. The Khitans' Inner Asian Tribal Empire
IV.. Liao-Korean Relations
V.. Expansion into North China
VI.. Liao-Song Relations
4.. Liao Civilization
I.. Multicultural Adaptations
II.. Khitan Society
III.. Patterns of Acculturation
IV.. Buddhism in Khitan Life
V.. Interpretations of Liao Success
5.. Creating the Song Dynasty
I.. The Vigor of the Later Zhou and the Founding of the Song
II.. On Being the Emperor in Tenth-Century China
III.. Governing China
IV.. The Military Problem
6.. The World of Ideas in Northern Song China
I.. The Man of the Age: Ouyang Xiu
II.. The Course of a Song Dynasty Official Career
III.. The Civil Service Examination System
IV.. The Social Impact of the Song Examination System
V.. Political Reform and Political Thought
VI.. Neo-Confucian Philosophical Thought
7.. Dimensions of Northern Song Life
I.. High Culture
II.. The Example of Su Shi
III.. The New Elite and Song High Culture
IV.. Religion in Song Life
V.. Song Society
8.. Origins of the Xi Xia State
I.. The Tangut People: Names and Ethnic Identities
II.. Early History of the Tangut Tribal People
III.. The Tanguts Come into the Song Orbit
IV.. Yuanhao Proclaims the Xia Dynasty
V.. The Xi Xia as an Imperial Dynasty
Part 2. Conquest Dynasties and the Southern Song 1127-1279
9.. The "Wild Jurchens" Erupt into History
I.. Aguda's Challenge
II.. The End of the Liao Dynasty
III.. The Northern Song Falls to the Jurchens
IV.. Who Were These Jurchens?
V.. Explaining the Jurchens' Success
10.. The Jurchen State and Its Cultural Policy
I.. The Conquerors Turn to Governing
II.. The Period of Dual Institutions, 1115-1135
III.. The Era of Centralization, 1135-1161
IV.. The Period of Nativist Reaction, 1161-1208
V.. The End of the Jin Dynasty, 1208-1234
11.. The Later Xi Xia State
I.. Xi Xia in the Era of the Jin Dynasty, 1115-1227
II.. The Crisis of the "Partition of the State"
III.. The Destruction of the Xi Xia State
IV.. The Tangut Achievement
V.. Xia Buddhism
12.. Trends of Change under Jin Alien Rule
I.. Divisions: North and South, Chinese and Non-Chinese
II.. Jurchen Dominance
III.. The Impact of the Civil Service Examinations
IV.. High Culture during the Jin Dynasty
V.. Economic Life under the Jin
13.. The Southern Song and Chinese Survival
I.. A Fleeing Prince
A New Emperor
II.. War versus Peace
III.. Patterns of High Politics after the Treaty of 1141
14.. Chinese Civilization and the Song Achievement
I.. New Social Factors
II.. Elite Lives and Song High Culture
III.. Confucian Thinkers
IV.. Other Kinds of Elite Lives
V.. Some Generalizations about the Song Elite
15.. Southern Song Life
A Broader View
I.. Calculating Song China's Population
II.. Governing at the Local Level
III.. Paying for Government
IV.. Status in the Chinese Population
V.. Urban and Rural
VI.. Families, Women, and Children
VII.. A Poet's Observations
16.. A Mid-Thirteenth-Century Overview
I.. The Heritage of the Liao, Xi Xia, and Jin Periods
II.. The System of Ritualized Interstate Relations
III.. The Growing Scope of International Trade
IV.. Cultural Interaction
Part 3. China and the Mongol World
17.. The Career of the Great Khan Chinggis
I.. Backgrounds of Mongol History
II.. The Ethnic Geography of Inner Asia in the Late Twelfth Century
III.. Mongol Nomadic Economy and Social Life
IV.. The Mongols Emerge into History
V.. The Youth of Temujin
VI.. Chinggis Khan as Nation Builder
18.. Forging the Mongol World Empire, 1206-1260
I.. The Nearer Horizons of Empire, 1206-1217
II.. The First Campaign to the West, 1218-1225
III.. Chinggis Khan, the Man
IV.. The Second Campaign to the West, 1236-1241
V.. Mongol Adaptations to China under Chinggis and Ogodei
VI.. Mongke Khan and the Third Campaign to the West
VII.. Relations among the Four Khanates
19.. Khubilai Khan Becomes Emperor of China
I.. The Early Life of Khubilai
II.. Khubilai and His Chinese Advisers before 1260
III.. Mongke's Field General in China
IV.. Maneuvering to Become the Great Khan
V.. The Great Khan Khubilai Becomes Emperor of China
VI.. The Conquest of the Southern Song, 1267-1279
VII.. The War against Khaidu
VIII.. Khubilai's Later Years
IX.. Khubilai Khan's Successors, 1294-1370
20.. China under Mongol Rule
I.. Yuan Government
II.. Managing Society and Staffing the Government
III.. Religions
IV.. China's People under Mongol Rule
V.. The Yuan Cultural Achievement
Part 4. The Restoration of Native Rule Under the Ming 1368-1644
21.. From Chaos toward a New Chinese Order
I.. Disintegration
II.. Competitors for Power Emerge
III.. Rival Contenders, 1351-1368
IV.. Zhu Yuanzhang, Boy to Young Man
22.. Zhu Yuanzhang Builds His Ming Dynasty
I.. Learning to Be an Emperor
II.. Setting the Pattern of His Dynasty
III.. Constructing a Capital and a Government
IV.. The Enigma of Zhu Yuanzhang
23.. Civil War and Usurpation, 1399-1402
I.. The New Era
II.. The Thought of Fang Xiaoru: What Might Have Been
III.. From Prince to Emperor
24.. The "Second Founding" of the Ming Dynasty
I.. Ming Chengzu's Imprint on Ming Governing
II.. The Eunuch Establishment and the Imperial Bodyguard
III.. Defending Throne and State
IV.. Securing China's Place in the Asian World
V.. The New Capital
25.. Ming China in the Fifteenth Century
I.. Successors to the Yongle Emperor
II.. The Mechanics of Government
III.. The Grand Canal in Ming Times
26.. The Changing World of the Sixteenth Century
I.. Emperor Wuzong, 1505-1521
II.. Emperor Shizong's Accession
III.. The Rites Controversy
IV.. Emperor Shizong and Daoism
V.. The Emperor Shizong and His Officials
VI.. Wang Yangming and Sixteenth-Century Confucian Thought
27.. Ming China's Borders
I.. Border Zones, Zones of Interaction
II.. Tension and Peril on the Northern Borders
III.. Tibet and the Western Borders
IV.. The "Soft Border" of the Chinese South
V.. The Maritime Borders of Eastern China
28.. Late Ming Political Decline, 1567-1627
I.. The Brief Reign of Emperor Muzong, 1567-1572
II.. Zhang Juzheng's Leadership and the Wanli Reign
III.. The Wanli Emperor's Successors
29.. The Lively Society of the Late Ming
I.. The Population of Ming China
II.. The Organization of Rural Society
III.. Ming Cities, Towns, and Urban People: The Question of Capitalism
IV.. Late Ming Elite Culture
30.. The Course of Ming Failure
I.. Launching the Chongzhen Reign: Random Inadequacies, Persistent Hopes
II.. The Manchu Invaders
III.. The "Roving Bandits"
IV.. Beijing, Spring 1644
Part 5. China and the World in Early Qing Times
31.. Alien Rule Returns
I.. Beijing: The City Ravaged
II.. The Drama at Shanhai Guan, April-May 1644
III.. Beijing Becomes the New Qing Capital
IV.. The Shunzhi Emperor, 1644-1662
V.. The Southern Ming Challenge to Qing Hegemony, 1644-1662
VI.. The Manchu Offensive
VII.. The Longwu Regime: Fuzhou, July 1645-October 1646
VIII.. Ming Loyalist Activity after 1646
32.. The Kangxi Emperor: Coming of Age
I.. Difficult Beginnings.

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