

"Main traveled gravel roads" : an Iowa tour before the fall, 1929
October 1929: the stock market plummets : echoes during the fall plowing: Iowa's reactions to the Wall Street crash
Welfare : renewed concerns, new prescriptions: politics of farm children's health
Domesticity : making do: farm women's coping through creative homemaking
Art : "An Athens of sorts": poetry of place and farm playlets
Industry : the angry, fading district thirteen: the demise of soft-coal mining
Violence : gangsters, bandits, mad men, and suicides: fear, anger, and death within a troubled landscape
Policy : prohibition possibly prohibited: voicing temperance concerns
November 1932: the presidential farm campaigns : dealing anew or same stacked deck?
The depth yet the crest : Iowa's dilemmas by 1933
"Too much" and "too little" : rural Iowa after 1933.

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