

pt. I. Police
1. Police behavior
Police personality : are police officers different from the rest of us? / J. Skolnick
Police styles : why is there differences in police behavior across communities? / J. Wilson
Police officer socialization : why are police officers different from the rest of us? / J. Van Maanen
2. Police discretion
Police officers' use of discretion : what influences police decision-making? / I. Piliavin, S. Briar
The Minneapolis domestic violence experiment : does arrest deter crime? / L. Sherman, R. Berk
3. Police operations
The Kansas City preventive patrol experiment : can the police prevent crime and make us feel safe? / G. Kelling, T. Pate, D. Dieckman, C. Brown
Police response time : how important is it for the police to respond quickly when we call? / T. Pate, A. Ferrara, R. Bowers, J. Lorence
Patrol staffing : which is better : one- or two-officer patrol units? / J. Boydstun, M. Sherry, N. Moelter
The Newark foot patrol experiment : should the police patrol in cars or on foot? / Police Foundation
The Rand study of investigation : do detectives really solve crimes? / P. Greenwood, J. Petersilia (1975)
4. The police role
Problem-oriented policing : can the police fix the underlying problems responsible for crime? / H. Goldstein
Broken windows : does urban blight lead to crime? / J. Wilson, G. Kelling
5. Police use of deadly force
Deadly force : what explains the variation in police shootings across departments? / C. Milton, J. Halleck, J. Lardner, G. Abrecht
6. Female police officers
Female police officers : do female officers perform as well as male officers? / P. Bloch, D. Anderson

pt. II. Courts
1. Preconviction dispositions
Barriers to pre-trial release : are suspects punished before guilt is determined? / C. Foote
Prosecutors' use of discretion in decision-making : do prosecutors consider extralegal factors in their decisions? / C. Albonetti
2. The guilty plea process
"Going rate" sentences for defendants who plead guilty : how do attorneys use the penal code in case processing? / D. Sudnow
The defense attorney's role in plea bargaining : are defendants pressured by their own attorneys to plead guilty? / A. Alschuler
Organizational differences in case processing across courts : how does court "culture" influence case processing? / J. Eisenstein, H. Jacob
Procedural injustices and due process violations in court : what influences defendants' cynicism toward the legal process? / J. Casper
3. The jury trial
Jury decision-making : why do juries and judges sometimes disagree? / H. Kalven Jr., H. Zeisel
The insanity defense : are jurors able to understand different legal rules for establishing a defendant's criminal responsibility? / R. Simon
4. Sentencing
Judicial discretion in sentencing decisions : do judges discriminate against individuals of lower socio-economic status? / J. Hagan
Judges' assessments of an offender's risk for future criminality : are sentences affected by stereotypes of "dangerous offenders"? / D. Steffensmeier, J. Ulmer, J. Kramer
5. Structuring sentencing decisions
Sentencing guidelines : can a sentencing scheme be developed to reduce inequities in prison sentences? / L. Wilkins, J. Kress, D. Gottfredson, J. Calpin, A. Gelman
The effectiveness of mandatory sentencing guidelines for reducing judicial sentencing discretion : what is the evidence that guidelines actually "work" to reduce sentencing disparities? / C. Moore, T. Miethe

pt. III. Corrections
1. Correctional goals
The effectiveness of correctional treatment : can criminals be rehabilitated? / R. Martinson
Capital punishment : does the death penalty deter murder? / I. Ehrlich
Selective incapacitation : can crime be reduced without increasing prison populations? / P. Greenwood, with A. Abrahamse
Collective incapacitation : does incarceration reduce the costs of crime? / E. Zedlewski
2. Community corrections
Felony probation : is it safe to put felons on probation? / J. Petersilia, S. Turner, J. Kahan, J. Peterson
Parole prediction : is it possible to predict who will succeed or fail on parole? / E. Burgess
3. Inmate subcultures
Inmate social networks : how do inmates become socialized into a prison culture? / D. Clemmer
The "pains of imprisonment" : how do inmates adapt to imprisonment? / G. Sykes
Female inmate subcultures : are female inmate experiences different from the experiences of male inmates? / R. Giallombardo
Inmate race relations : do prison subcultures differ by an inmate's race? / L. Carroll
4. Inmate violence
Inmate victimization : are prisons safe for inmates? / D. Fuller, T. Orsagh
Prison riots : what causes inmates to riot? / R. Wilsnack
5. Correctional officers
The Stanford prison experiment : what explains the coercive behavior of prison guards? / C. Haney, C. Banks, P. Zimbardo
Correctional officers' attitudes : do correctional officers' attitudes differ by race? / J. Jacobs, L. Kraft.

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