

Understatements about this string-ball of idle thoughts
I. Black hair. "The mask is most important always" : the Noh performances of Umewaka Rokuro
Schematics : roles, rules, props
Malignance and charm : a catalogue of female masks
A branch of flowers : steps to ineffability
The dragons of Kasuga : texts, places, histories, masks
Sunshine at midnight : an interview with Mr. Mikata Shizuka
Perfect faces : maiden, mask, geisha, wife, princess
Aya Kudo and the Zo-onna : a porn model compared with a Noh goddess
Her golden lips slightly parted : an image of Kannon
Crossing the abyss : the three beings of three women
What is grace? A list and a possible hermeneutic
Rainbow skirts : the loveliness of Lady Yang
Jewels in the darkness : the dances of Kofumi-san and Konomi-san
"She cannot do anything else" : compulsions, costs, achievements
Suzuka's dressing room : a geisha gets ready
"They just want to look in the mirror" : Yukiko makes me over
"I sit with my legs closed" : glimpses of onnagatas
"There's no ugly lady face" : Katy transforms
The phallus of Tiresias : what is a woman?
II. White arms. A curtain of mist : understatement and concealment
In the forest : an apology
Sun-bright like swords : the beauty of valkyries
Passing light : Andrew Wyeth's Helga pictures
Who is the willow tree goddess? Snatches of a play
III. Beauty's ghost. Snow in a silver bowl : an epitaph for Radha's grace
Beauty's ghost : Ono no Komachi in traditional Noh plays
Urashima's box : a few thoughts about time
The decay of the angel : Komachi in the Noh plays of Mishima Yukio
IV. The moon maiden goes home. Sunshine on Silla : the unknown
Pine tree constancy : "Takasago," "Izutsu" and "Matsukaze"
Kagekiyo's daughter : "Semimaru" and the plays of separation
Behind the rainbow curtain : going home beneath the skin
Appendix A : Descriptions of feminine beauty in The pillow book of Sei Shonagon (ca. 1000-1010)
Appendix B : Descriptions of feminine beauty in some Old Norse sources
Appendix C : Descriptions of feminine beauty in Sappho and miscellaneous Greek lyric sources
Appendix D : Proportions of feminine beauty in some classical and Western European sources
Appendix E : Noh play groups, and plays mentioned.

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