

Machine generated contents note: The Text of Hamlet
Textual Notes
Appendix 1 Passages from Quarto 1 (1603)
Appendix 2 Passages from the Folio (1623)
The Actors' Gallery
Notes (1878) / Edwin Booth
Letter to William Winter (1882)
Introduction to Hamlet (1890) / Henry Irving
Why I Have Played Male Parts (1924) / Sarah Bernhardt
[On Ophelia] (1908) / Ellen Terry
The Pathetic Women (1932)
John Gielgud's Hamlet (1937) / John Gielgud
A Note on Hamlet (1963)
[On Hamlet's Character] (1982) / Laurence Olivier
[On the 1948 Film] (1986)
Introduction to Hamlet (1954) / Richard Burton
Introduction to Hamlet (1996) / Kenneth Branagh
Hamlet: A User's Guide (1996) / Michael Pennington
National Public Radio Interview (2009) / Jude Law
The Bible
Greek Tragedy
The Libation-Bearers (458 BCE) / Aeschylus
Electra (c. 400 BCE) / Sophocles
Electra (c. 418 BCE) / Euripides
Orestes (408 BCE)
Agamemnon (first century) / Seneca

Thyestes (first century)
Historica Danica (1180-1208) / Saxo Grammaticus
Inferno (c. 1315) / Dante Alighieri
The Supplication of Souls (1529) / Thomas More
The Spanish Tragedy (1592) / Thomas Kyd
Preface to Troilus and Cressida (1679) / John Dryden
Some Account of the Life, &c. of Mr. William Shakespeare (1709) / Nicholas Rowe
Preface to Semiramis (1748) / Voltaire
Du Theatre Anglais (1761)
Notes on Hamlet (1765) / Samuel Johnson
Letter to David Garrick (1771) / George Steevens
[On Hamlet's Character] (1785)
Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship (1795) / Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Lecture on Hamlet (1812) / Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Letter to James H. Hackett (1839) / John Quincy Adams
Review of William Hazlitt (1845) / Edgar Allan Poe
Letter to James H. Hackett (1863) / Abraham Lincoln
Shakespeare and the Drama (1908) / Leo Tolstoy
Hamlet and Orestes (1914) / Gilbert Murray
A Psycho-analytic Study of Hamlet (1992) / Ernest Jones

[Irony in Hamlet] (1959) / Harry Levin
Representing Ophelia: Women, Madness, and the Responsibilities of Feminist Criticism (1985) / Elaine Showalter
Hamlet in Purgatory (2001) / Stephen Greenblatt
An Annotated and Chronological Screenography (2002) / Kenneth S. Rothwell
Women as Hamlet (2007) / Tony Howard
Empires of World History (2007) / Margreta de Grazia
Der Bestrafte Brudermord (seventeenth century)
[Partridge and the Ghost] (1749) / Henry Fielding
[The Ending of Hamlet] (1772) Hamlet Travesties / David Garrick
Hamlet Travesties
Hamlet Travestie (1849) / John Poole
Hamlet Travestie (1849) / Francis Talfourd
An Old Play in a New Garb (1853) / George Edward Rice
[Mr. Wopsle's Hamlet] (1861) / Charles Dickens
[Huck Finn on Hamlet] (1885) / Mark Twain
Hamlet (1946) / Boris Pasternak
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead (1967) / Tom Stoppard
Hamletmachine (1977) / Heiner Muller
Forget Hamlet (1994) / Jawad Al-Assadi
Gertrude and Claudius (2000) / John Updike
Something Rotten (2004) / Jasper Fforde.

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