

Ethics / Stuart White
Intellectual roots / Chris Pierson & Matthieu Leimgruber
Critics and beyond / Desmond King & Fiona Ross
The emergence of the western welfare state / Stein Kuhnle & Anne Sander
Post-war welfare state development / Frank Nullmeier & Franz-Xaver Kaufmann
Research methods / Edwin Amenta & Alexander Hicks
Public and private social welfare / Willem Adema & Peter Whiteford
Families versus state and market / Mary Daly
Disciplinary perspectives / Einar Øverbye
Needs and risks in the welfare state / Jan Zutavern & Martin Kohli
Democracy and capitalism / Torben Iversen
Unions and employers / Bernhard Ebbinghaus
Parties / Manfred G. Schmidt
Political institutions / Ellen M. Immergut
Public attitudes / Stefan Svallfors
Gender / Ann Shola Orloff
Religion / Kees Van Kersbergen & Philip Manow
Migration and ethnic minorities / Stephen Castles & Carl-Ulrik Schierup
European Union / Gerda Falkner
Intergovernmental organizations / Klaus Armingeon
Globalization / Duane Swank
Social expenditures and revenues / Herbert Obinger & Uwe Wagschal
Old-age pensions / Karl Hinrichs & Julia F. Lynch
Health / Richard Freeman & Heinz Rothgang
Long-term care / August Österle & Heinz Rothgang
Work accident and sickness benefits / Olli Kangas
Disability / Mark Priestley
Unemployment insurance / Ola Sjöberg, Joakim Palme & Eero Carroll
Labour market activation / Lane Kenworthy
Social assistance / Thomas Bahle, Michaela Pfeifer & Claus Wendt
Family benefits and services / Jonathan Bradshaw & Naomi Finch
Housing / Tony Fahey & Michelle Norris
Education / Marius R. Busemeyer & Rita Nikolai
The social rights of citizenship / John D. Stephens
Inequality and poverty / Peter Saunders
Macroeconomic outcomes / Isabela Mares
Welfare retrenchment / Jonah D. Levy
Models of the welfare state / Wil A. Arts & John Gelissen
The Nordic countries / Mikko Kautto
Continental western Europe / Bruno Palier
The south European countries / Maurizio Ferrera
The English-speaking countries / Francis G. Castles
Latin America / Evelyne Huber & Juan Bogliaccini
East Asia / Ito Peng & Joseph Wong
Eastern Europe and Russia / Linda J. Cook
The sustainability of western welfare states / Howard Glennerster
The global future of welfare states / Ian Gough & Göran Therborn.

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