

The evolution of Chinese music. Ancient times ; The Xia, Shang and western Zhou dynasties ; The spring and autumn period and the warring states period ; The Qin and Han dynasties ; The period of the three kingdoms, the western and eastern Jin dynasties and the southern and northern dynasties ; The Sui and Tang dynasties ; The Song and Yuan dynasties ; The Ming and Qing dynasties ; After 1840
The meaning of ancient music of China. Propriety and music in Confucianism ; The Dao (natural way) of heaven ; The inwardness of Zen
Chinese musical instruments. Musical instruments ; Varieties of unique local music
Chinese folk songs. Haozi labor songs ; Mountain songs ; Folk songs
The singing and dancing of ethnic groups. Muqam of the Uygur people ; Tibetan folk songs and dances ; Mongolian folk songs ; Dong's Ka Lau ; Miao's folk songs and musical instruments
Quyi music of China. Singing tunes with storytelling ; Singing while walking
Chinese music today. Emergence of a new music culture ; The improvement of Chinese instrumental music ; The birth of new opera ; From mass songs to pop music ; New music in a new age
The exchange of music. Starting with the pitch pipe ; The spread of Chinese music
Appendix. Chronological table of the Chinese dynasties.

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