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The nation imagined on film. Filming the homeland: cinema in Eretz Israel and the Zionist movement, 1917-1939 / Ariel L. Feldestein
Helmar Lerski in Israel / Jan-Christopher Horak
Ecce Homo: The Transfiguration of Israeli Manhood in Israeli Films / Yaron Peleg
War and Its Aftermath. From Hill to Hill: A Brief History of the Representation of War in Israeli Cinema / Uri S. Cohen
From Hero to Victim: The Changing Image of the Soldier on the Israeli Screen / Eran Kaplan
The Lady and the Death Mask / Judd Neeman
Coping with the Legacy of Death: The War Widow in Israeli Films / Yael Zerubavel
The Privatization of War Memory in Recent Israeli Cinema / Yael Munk
An Ethno-Cultural Kaleidoscope. Disjointed Narratives in Contemporary Israeli Films / Nitzan Ben Shaul
Trajectories of Mizrahi Cinema / Yaron Shemer
Immigrant Cinema: Russian Israelis on Screens and behind the Cameras / Olga Gershenson
Holocaust and Trauma. The Holocaust in Israeli Cinema as a Conflict between Survival and Morality / Ilan Avisar
Near and Far: The Representation of Holocaust Survivors in Israeli Feature Films, 1945-2010 / Liat Steir-Livny
Homonational Desires: Masculinity and Sexuality in the Cinema of Eytan Fox / Raz Yosef
Jewish Orthodoxy Revisited. Negotiating Judaism in Contemporary Israeli Cinema: The Spiritual Style of My Father, My Lord / Dan Chyutin
Seeking the Local, Engaging the Global: Women and Religious Oppression in a Minor Film / Nava Dushi
Beaufort and My Father, My Lord: Traces of the Binding Myth and the Mother's Voice / Anat Zanger
Filming the Palestinian Other. The Foreigner Within and the Question of Identity in Fictitious Marriage and Streets of Yesterday
/ sandra meiri
a rave against the occupation?: speaking for the self and excluding the other in contemporary israeli political cinema / Dorit Naaman
Borders in Motion: The Evolution of the Portrayal of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in Contemporary Israeli Cinema / Yael Ben-Zvi-Morad
Smashing Up the Face of History: Trauma and Subversion in Kedma and Atash / Nurith Gertz and Gal Hermoni
New Cinematic Discourses. Discursive Identities in the (R)evolution of the New Israeli Queer Cinema / Gilad Padva
Kibbutz Films in Transition: From Morality to Ethics / Eldad Kedem
The End of a World, the Beginning of a New World: The New Discourse of Authenticity and New Versions of Collective Memory in Israeli Cinema / Miri Talmon.

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