

OCEANS IN PERIL : Ocean watch
The main threats
Most endangered places
Dead zones
- Most endangered species
Global focus: ocean floor maps.

OCEAN WORLD: ROCKS AND WATER: Ocean geology : Earth's broken shell
Ancienct oceans
Early ocean life
Spreading oceans
Habitat focus: seafloor oases
The eternal abyss
The deepest ocean
The Continental Shelf
Changing sea levels
Issue focus: flooding the world
The chemical ocean
Issue focus: ocean acidification; The moving ocean : Circulating water
Oceans and climate
The tidal ocean.

OCEAN LIFE ZONES : Cataloging life : Exploring the deep
Issue focus: the world census ; Coastal waters : Ever-changing shorelines
Sandy shores
Wildlife focus: turtle tragedy
Rocky coasts
Wildlife focus: Sea lion nurseries
Estuaries and salt marshes
Habitat focus: alien invasion
Wildlife focus: the smallest cetacean ; Temperate waters : Life in the shallows
Seaweed forests
Going with the flow
Habitat focus: the dirty sea
Issue focus: the big catch
Bed-ridden ; Tropical waters : The magic of coral
Coral society
Wildlife focus: coral in peril
Mud and mangroves
The ocean's meadows
Issue focus: shellfish motives
The fishing machines ; Polar waters : Icy seas
Surviving the chill
Wildlife focus: the vital krill
Polar migration
Wildlife focus: ocean giants: the whales ; Open waters : ocean layers
Ocean commuters
The multitudinous mass
Wildlife focus: sharks in danger
Issue focus: deep haul
Mighty hunters ; The ocean deeps : Deep life
Dead zones.

THE WORLD'S OCEANS AND SEAS : The Atlantic : The Atlantic basin
The Gulf and the Caribbean
Issue focus: spilled oil
Habitat focus: the Sargasso Sea
The Gulf Stream
Habitat focus: once Grand Banks ; The Pacific : The Pacific basin
The Pacific deeps
Habitat focus: Coral islands
Habitat focus the Great Barrier Reef
Issue focus: plastic soup
Habitat focus: ocean refuges ; The Indian Ocean : Opening the Indian Ocean
Life in the Indian Ocean
The Red Sea
Wildlife focus: the giant clam ; The Southern Ocean : Southern Ocean waters
Melting ice
Life in the icy ocean
Whaling business
Habitat focus: whale sanctuary ; The Arctic Ocean : The Arctic Basin
Arctic ice
Arctic life
Shrinking ice
Dirty ice ; The seas of Europe : The Mediterranean
Issue focus: Suez Canal invasion
Habitat focus: the Mediterranean under pressure
The North Sea
The Baltic Sea
Issue focus: lament for the bluefin ; The seas of Eurasia : The Black Sea
Issue focus: the transparent invader
The Caspian Sea ; The South China Sea : The sea of islands
Habitat focus: the coral triangle.

Ocean future: the sea ethic
Endangered marine species.

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