

pt. I Introduction
ch. 1 Origins
ch. 2 Carbon and oxygen
ch. 3 Russian dolls
ch. 4 The revolutions
pt. II Theory
ch. 5 The anthropic Earth
ch. 6 The critical steps
ch. 7 Playing Gaia
pt. III The oxygen revolution
ch. 8 Photosynthesis
ch. 9 The trial of the oxygen poisoners
ch. 10 The Great Oxidation
pt. IV The complexity revolution
ch. 11 Life gets an upgrade
ch. 12 When did eukaryotes evolve?
ch. 13 The not-so-boring billion
ch. 14 The Neoproterozoic
pt. V Interlude
ch. 15 Animals and oxygen
ch. 16 The grand recycling coalition
ch. 17 Rolls of the dice
pt. VI A new revolution?
ch. 18 Climate wobbles
ch. 19 The origins of us
ch. 20 Review
ch. 21 Where next?.

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