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Techniques of story and structure. Gollum talks to himself: problems and solutions in Peter Jackson's film adaptation of the Lord of the rings / Kristin Thompson
Sometimes one word is worth a thousand pictures / Verlyn Flieger
Kinds of absence: elision and exclusion in Peter Jackson's The lord of the rings / John D. Rateliff
Tolkien's resistance to linearity: narrating The lord of the rings in fiction and film / E.L. Risden
Filming folklore: adapting fantasy for the big screen through Peter Jackson's The lord of the rings / Dimitra Fimi
Making the connection on page and screen in Tolkien's and Jackson's The lord of the rings / Yvette Kisor
"It's alive!": Tolkien's monster on the screen / Sharin Schroeder
The materiel of "Middle-Earth": arms and armor in Peter Jackson's The lord of the rings motion picture trilogy / Robert C. Woosnam-Savage
Techniques of character and culture. Into the west: far green country or shadow on the waters? / Judy Ann Ford and Robin Anne Reid
Frodo lives but gollum redeems the blood of kings / Philip E. Kaveny
The grey pilgrim: Gandalf and the challenges of characterization in "Middle-earth" / Brian D. Walter
Jackson's Aragorn and the American superhero monomyth / Janet Brennan Croft
Neither the shadow nor the twilight: the love story of Aragorn and Arwen in literature and film / Richard C. West
Concerning horses: establishing cultural settings from Tolkien to Jackson / Janice M. Bogstad
The rohirrim, the Anglo-Saxons, and the problem of ambiguity and reference in Tolkien's books and Jackson's films / Michael D.C. Drout
Filming the numinous: the fate of Lothlorien in Peter Jackson's The lord of the rings / Joseph Ricke and Catherine Barnett.

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