Table of Contents
Baseball paths and two-lane blacktops: youth at full speed (1916-1940)
A fateful letter in failing light (1940-1941)
Tokyo Rose: origins of the legend (prewar)
Collision with Japan: before Pearl Harbor (1941)
At war and on her own (1942)
The Toguris back home: internment (1942-1945)
Barely surviving: a typist at Radio Tokyo (1943)
A new career in broadcasting: Zero hour (1943-1944)
Tokyo Rose: the legend of the radio siren (wartime)
Black marketeer: the destruction of Imperial Japan (1944)
War's end (1945)
The scoop (1945)
CIC and FBI investigations: exoneration and release (1946-1947)
Into the Cold War: a furor grows (1947-1948)
The perjurers: the FBI at work (1948-1949)
The prosecution: United States v. Tokyo Rose (1949)
The defense: Iva Toguri v. Tokyo Rose (1949)
The verdict: United States v. Ira Toguri (1949)
Alderson Federal Reformatory: failed appeals (1950-1959)
The quest for a pardon (1960-2006)
A fateful letter in failing light (1940-1941)
Tokyo Rose: origins of the legend (prewar)
Collision with Japan: before Pearl Harbor (1941)
At war and on her own (1942)
The Toguris back home: internment (1942-1945)
Barely surviving: a typist at Radio Tokyo (1943)
A new career in broadcasting: Zero hour (1943-1944)
Tokyo Rose: the legend of the radio siren (wartime)
Black marketeer: the destruction of Imperial Japan (1944)
War's end (1945)
The scoop (1945)
CIC and FBI investigations: exoneration and release (1946-1947)
Into the Cold War: a furor grows (1947-1948)
The perjurers: the FBI at work (1948-1949)
The prosecution: United States v. Tokyo Rose (1949)
The defense: Iva Toguri v. Tokyo Rose (1949)
The verdict: United States v. Ira Toguri (1949)
Alderson Federal Reformatory: failed appeals (1950-1959)
The quest for a pardon (1960-2006)