Linked e-resources
Table of Contents
1: The dream of a more perfect power
Profit, salvation
The first green-technology futurist
The utopia commercial
Prescribing for the globe itself
2: What was
Steam-powered America
The wind and the West
The parable of Petrolia
Wave motors and airplanes
Compressed air and electricity
3: What might have been
The National Electric Transportation System that almost was
Solar hot water, day and night
The solar home of the 1950s
The Solar Energy Research Institute
The meaning of Luz
How to burn a biological library
4: Lessons from the Great Energy Rethink
What happens when an energy system breaks
5: Innovation and the future
Google's RE < C challenge
The first megawatt and failing smart
What green tech can learn from nuclear power's rise and fall
The 5-cent turbine and the siren call of the breakthrough
Energy storage and the return of compressed air
"Throw software at the problem"
Rehumanizing environmentalism.
Profit, salvation
The first green-technology futurist
The utopia commercial
Prescribing for the globe itself
2: What was
Steam-powered America
The wind and the West
The parable of Petrolia
Wave motors and airplanes
Compressed air and electricity
3: What might have been
The National Electric Transportation System that almost was
Solar hot water, day and night
The solar home of the 1950s
The Solar Energy Research Institute
The meaning of Luz
How to burn a biological library
4: Lessons from the Great Energy Rethink
What happens when an energy system breaks
5: Innovation and the future
Google's RE < C challenge
The first megawatt and failing smart
What green tech can learn from nuclear power's rise and fall
The 5-cent turbine and the siren call of the breakthrough
Energy storage and the return of compressed air
"Throw software at the problem"
Rehumanizing environmentalism.