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1. The study of stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination within social psychology : a quick history of theory and research / Charles Stangor
Defining stereotypes and prejudice
Predicting prejudice: the prejudiced personality
Influence: using stereotypes and prejudice
2. Development of racial and ethnic prejudice among children / Sheri R. Levy and Julie Milligan Hughes
Theories of the origins of prejudice among children
Social learning approach
Linguistic connotation theorizing
Multicultural theorizing
Antiracist theorizing
Colorblind theorizing
Mere exposure theorizing
Extended contact theory
Intergroup contact theory
cognitive approach
Social-cognitive developmental approaches
Social identity development theory
Common ingroup identity model
Developmental model of subjective group dynamics
Social domain model
Social-developmental perspective on lay theories
Developmental intergroup theory
Evolutionary approach
3. Intergroup threat theory / Walter G. Stephan, Oscar Ybarra, and Kimberly Rios Morrison
Intergroup threat theory
Antecedents of threat
Consequences of threat
Cognitive responses
Emotional responses
Behavioral responses
4. Automaticity and control in stereotyping and prejudice / Patricia G. Devine and Lindsay B. Sharp
Evidence of automatic stereotype activation
Variability of automatic intergroup biases
Attentional processes
Social context and social roles
Individual differences
Situationally induced motivational factors
Malleability of automatic intergroup biases
Effects of practice
Thinking about counterstereotypic exemplars
Motor processes and spreading attitudes
Impact and pervasiveness of automatic biases
Correction: overcoming potential bias
Suppression: banishing stereotypes from consciousness
Indirect and unintentional control strategies
Self-regulation: intentional inhibition and replacement
Limits to deliberative control strategies
Interplay between automatic and controlled processes
Social neuroscience approach to the study of automaticity and control
5. Attributions to discrimination : antecedents and consequences / Brenda Major and Pamela J. Sawyer
Perceiving and attributing outcomes to discrimination: vigilance or minimization?
Moderators of perceptions and attributions to discrimination
Characteristics of the event
Characteristics of the situation
Characteristics of the person
Prejudice expectations
Group identification
Status-related beliefs
Impact of perceived discrimination on self-esteem and emotional well-being
Threat to personal identity
Clarity of discrimination
Group identification
Implications for interpersonal relationships
6. Controlling prejudice and stereotyping : antecedents, mechanisms, and contexts / Galen V. Bodenhausen, Andrew R. Todd, and Jennifer A. Richeson
Galen v. Bodenhausen, Andrew R. Todd, and Jennifer A. Richeson
Automatic activation of stereotypes and prejudice
Motivational antecedents of prejudice control
Cognitive mechanisms of prejudice control
Executive function and self-regulation
Controlling the initial activation of biased associations
social contexts of control
Interpersonal interactions
Verbal versus nonverbal behavior
Affective and cognitive consequences of control
Institutional and cultural contexts
Social norms
Diversity ideology
diverse environments
. Stereotypes and shifting standards / Monica Biernat
Shifting standards in social judgement
Translation and the communication of subjective language
Setting standards
Behaving toward members of stereotyped groups
8. Stereotype and social identity threat / Joshua Aronson and Matthew S. McGlone
The process of social identity threat
The role of individual differences
Mediating mechanisms of short-term performance
Reduced working memory and impaired self-regulation
Priming effects
Longer term effects on achievement
Avoidance of challenge
The pitfalls and promise of social identity salience
beyond the academic context: athletic performance, aging an memory, political knowledge, managerial performance
Threat-reducing interventions
Reframing the nature of ability
Role models
9. The role of entitativity in stereotyping : processes and parameters / David L. Hamilton ... [et al.]
Perceptions of entitativity and homogeneity
The outgroup homogeneity effect
The relation between similarity and stereotyping
The relation between entitativity and similarity
Entitativity, stereotype development , generalization, and the interchangeability of group members

10. The unbearable accuracy of stereotypes / Lee Jussim ... [et al.]
Accuracy of ethnic and racial stereotypes
Accuracy of gender stereotypes
Role of stereotypes in enhancing or reducing the accuracy of person perception
11. Downward and upward spirals in intergroup interactions : the role of egosystem and ecosystem goals / Jennifer Crocker and Julie A. Garcia
Stigma and self-image threat
Social norms against prejudice
Consequences of self-image threat
Physiological responses
Flight responses
Fight responses
Emotional responses
cognitive responses
Downward spirals
Goals in intergroup interactions
Ecosystem goals
Egosystem and ecosystem goals and disclosure of concealable stigmas
Creating upward spirals
12. The stereotypic behaviors of the powerful and their effect on the relatively powerless / Theresa K. Vescio ... [et al.]
Stereotyping, power, and the maintenance of the status quo
13. Mechanisms underlying the malleability of implicit prejudice and stereotypes : the role of automaticity and cognitive control / Nilanjana Dasgupta
Implicit attitudes are malleable
cognitive control influences the malleability of implicit attitudes
Accessibility of automatic associations
Increasing the salience of group membership increases implicit bias by activating automatic associations
Increasing the salience of counterstereotypic cues decreases implicit bias by activating different positive associations
Specific motivations can increase or decrease implicit bias by changing in cognitive control
Source of motivation: emotion, self-image threat and social identity threat, promotion and prevention focus, social norms global executive control
Motivation to control prejudice
14. Intergroup emotions theory / Diane M. Mackie and Angela T. Maitner, and Eliot R. Smith
15. How our dreams of death transcendence breed prejudice, stereotyping, and conflict : terror management theory / Jeff Greenberg ... [et al.]
Terror management: theory and evidence
TMT, prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination
TMT and prejudice as a response to the threat of alternative worldview
TMT and two special kinds of prejudice: sexism and ageism
TMT and stereotyping
TMT and the eradication of the evil other: the ultimate form of discrimination
TMT and the psychological consequences of prejudice
TMT and other approaches to understanding of prejudice
Individual differences
Realistic group conflict theory
Scapegoat theory
Social identity theory
Just World and system justification theories
Social cognitive approaches
TMT and the amelioration of prejudice and intergroup conflict
16. You were always on my mind : how event-related potentials inform impression formation research / Jennifer T. Kubota and Tiffany A. Ito
Understanding ERPS
Social categorization
Moderation of early visual processing
Perception of racially ambiguous faces
17. Pictures in our heads : contributions of fMRI to the study of prejudice and stereotyping / David M. Amodio and Matthew D. Lieberman
Neural mechanisms of implicit prejudice
Neural correlates of implicit stereotyping
Neurocognitive mechanisms of control
Inhibition of race-biased emotion
Neural basis of intergroup person perception
Neural substrates of ingroup versus outgroup perception
Neural basis of outgroup empathy
18. Measures of prejudice / Michael A. Olson
Racial Attitudes Scale (RAS)
Attitudes Toward Blacks (ATB)
Attitudes toward Whites (ATW)
Pro-black / anti-black attitudes questionnaire
Subtle and blatant prejudice scales
The modern racism scale
More recent measures of modern and symbolic racism
Distal measures
Measure of motivation
Priming measures
IAT (Greenwald et al., 1998)
19. Racism in the 21st century / Michael A. Zárate
Racism and ethnicity
Racism in the workplace
Ethnic cleansing
Social identity theory
Social categorization
Stereotype confirmation
Confrontational approaches
Collective approaches to prejudice reduction
Common ingroup identity

20. Sexism / Janet K. Swim and Lauri L. Hyers
Gender differences
Feminist theories of gender socialization
Gender stereotypes
Traditional gender roles
Modern sexism and neosexism
Reactions toward feminism and feminists
Ambivalent sexism
Beliefs supporting sexual aggression against women
Sexist behaviors
Judgments of women and men
Social context
Traditional gender roles
Everyday experiences and interpersonal sexism
Objectification of women
Internalization of sexism
21. Ageism / Todd D. Nelson
;The institutionalization of ageism
Age stereotypes
Positive intentions
Influence of ageism on older persons
History of ageism
Cross-cultural differences in ageism
22. Sexual prejudice / Gregory M. Herek
Sexual stigma and prejudice
Enacted sexual stigma
Felt sexual stigma
Internalized sexual stigma
Sexual prejudice
Distinguishing sexual prejudice from other sexual orientation attitudes
Cognitive, affective, and behavioral sources of sexual prejudice
Sexual prejudice and beliefs about sexual minorities
Affective sources off sexual prejudice
Key correlates of sexual prejudice
Religious beliefs and affiliations
Personal experience and relationships
Motivations for sexual prejudice
23. Anti-fat prejudice / Christian S. Crandall, Angela Nierman, and Michelle Hebl
Effects on mental health
Hiring paradigms
Promotion and pay scales
Customer service
Marriage, relationships, and family
Health care
Gender, ethnicity, culture, and social class
Theoretical accounts of anti-fat prejudice
Stereotype content model
Intergroup emotions theory
Evolutionary approaches
System justification approach
Justification suppression model
Weight-based prejudice
Social norms about expression
Is obesity related research biased against the null hypothesis?
24. A common ingroup identity : a categorization-based approach for reducing intergroup bias / Samuel L. Gaertner and John F. Dovidio
Social categorization
Categorization and bias
Categorization-based models of bias reduction
The common ingroup identity model
Common identity and the reduction of intergroup bias
The value of a dual identity
The Green Circle Elementary School Anti-Bias Education Program
25. The self-regulation of prejudice / Margo J. Monteith and Aimee Y. Mark
Self-regulation through suppression
Prejudice-related discrepancies
Discrepancy-related affect
Behavioral inhibition and retrospective reflection
Prospective reflection and prejudice regulation in the presence of cues for control
Application to high-prejudice individuals
Neuroscientific evidence for the self-regulation of prejudice
Self-regulation in intergroup interactions
26. The future of research on prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination / Susan T. Fiske ... [et al.]
Behavior: remember discrimination?

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