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The mystery of the ten thousand pages
The gaze. The artist as neuroscientist ; Noses from the construction kit ; Pyramidal law ; In the library of Her Majesty ; "How the scintillation of each star originates in the eye"
Water. Remains of a lock ; Seeking employment from the tyrant ; Love nest in the mill ; Leonardo becomes a writer ; Water music ; Single file through an alley
War. The physics of destruction ; Amorra, Ilopanna ; Pact with the devil ; Strangled at dawn ; The beast within man
The dream of flying. Alone against gravity ; "Board up the large room above
" ; "Leonardo complicated matters" ; The intrepid Judy Leden ; Flying does not mean flapping wings
Robots. Handbags and water heaters ; The performance of the mechanical lion ; A life for Leonardo ; The bell ringer ; Leonardo's computer
Under the skin. In the mortuaries of Santa Maria Nuova ; An x-ray view of sex ; Man is a machine ; Expeditions into the beating heart ; "A philosopher more than a Christian"
Final questions. Shells on the mountain slope ; "How admirable Thy justice, O though first mover!" ; The soul of the fetus ; Visions of the end of the world
The legacy.

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