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Apocalypse : the media's framing of Black looters, shooters, and brutes in Hurricane Katrina's aftermath / Michael G. Lacy and Kathleen C. Haspel
Tales of tragedy : strategic rhetoric in news coverage of the Columbine and Virginia Tech massacres / Cynthia Willis-Chun
N-word vs. F-word, Black vs. gay : uncovering pendejo games to recover intersections / Catherine Squires
Quentin Tarantino in black and white / Sean Tierney
Patrolling national identity, masking white supremacy : the Minuteman Project / Michelle A. Holling
Control, discipline, and punish : Black masculinity and (in)visible whiteness in the NBA / Rachel Griffin and Bernadette Marie Calafell
Declarations of independence : African American abolitionists and the struggle for racial and rhetorical self-determination / Jacqueline Bacon
Transgressive rhetoric in deliberative democracy : the Black press / Michael Huspek
Bling fling : commodity consumption and the politics of the 'post-racial' / Roopali Mukherjee
The rhythm of ambition : power temporalities and the production of the call center agent in documentary film and reality television / Aimee Carrillo Rowe, Sheena Malhotra, and Kimberlee PĂ©rez
Inscribing racial bodies and relieving responsibility : examining the racial politics in Crash / Jamie Moshin and Ronald L. Jackson II
Cinematic representation and cultural critique : the deracialization and denationalization of the African conflict diamond crises in Zwick's Blood diamonds / Marouf Hasian, Jr., Carol W. Anderson, and Rulon Wood
Abstracting and de-racializing diversity : the articulation of diversity in the post-race era / Rona Tamiko Halualani.

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