

Act I. Cinque . . .dieci . . . (Seven . . . fourteen . . .) ; Se a caso madama la notte ti chiama (Some night if your mistress should ring) ; Se vuol ballare (Should my dear master want some diversion) ; La vendetta (Taking vengeance) ; Via resti servita (To greet you, my lady) ; Non so piu cosa son, cosa faccio (I can't give you a good explanation) ; Cosa sento! Tosto andate (That's the limit! Go this minute!) ; Giovani liete (Strew in his praises) ; Non piu andrai (From now on).

Act II. Porgi, -amor, qualche ristoro (Pour, O love, sweet consolation) ; Voi, che sapete (You know the answer) ; Venite, inginocchiatevi (Come here and kneel in front of me) ; Susanna, or via sortite! (Susanna, what's the matter?) ; Aprite, presto aprite (Unlock the door and hurry!) ; Esci omai, garzon malnato (Out you come, don't waste a moment).

Act III. Crudel! perche finora (But why, why make me suffer) ; Hai gia vinta la causa! (You have won the decision?) ; Riconosci in questo amplesso (Now at last I may embrace you) ; E Susanna non vien! . . . Dove sono i bei momenti (And Susanna is late . . . Are they over, those cherished moments) ; Sull' aria (To Romeo) ; Ricevete, o padroncina (Mistress dear, accept these flowers) ; Ecco la marcia (There's the precession).

Act IV. L'ho perduta, me meschina (I have lost it, Heaven help me!) ; Il capro e la capretta (The birds and beasts) ; In quegli anni (Youth is headstrong) ; Tutto e disposto . . . Aprite un po' quegli occhi (It won't be long now . . . O fellow man, be smarter!) ; Giunse alfin il momento . . . Deh vieni, non tardar (This at last is the moment . . . Beloved, don't delay) ; Plain, pianin le andro piu presso (On my tiptoes I'll go nearer).

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