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The apocalypse, Christ, and the martyrs of Gaul / D. Jeffrey Bingham
Athanasius's christology today : the life, death, and resurrection of Christ in On the incarnation / Khaled Anatolios
Expectatio beatitudinis : the eschatological frame of Hilary of Poitiers' Tractatus super psalmos / Michael C. McCarthy
Suffering without pain : the scandal of Hilary of Poitiers' Christology / Carl L. Beckwith
Gregory of Nazianzus on the unity of Christ / Christopher A. Beeley
Two early Nicenes : Eustathius of Antioch and Marcellus of Ancyra / Kelley McCarthy Spoerl
Loving Christ according to Origen and Augustine / Basil Studer
Augustine's christology : its spirituality and rhetoric / Rowan Douglas Williams
Christology as contemplative practice : understanding the union of natures in Augustine's letter 137 / Lewis Ayres
What was "wrong" with Augustine? : the sixth-century reception (or lack thereof) of Augustine's Christology / David R. Maxwell
The persistence of decay : bodily disintegration and Cyrillian christology / John J. O'Keefe
Mystery or conundrum? : the apprehension of Christ in the Chalcedonian definition / John A. McGuckin
From doctrine of Christ to icon of Christ : St. Maximus the Confessor on the transfiguration of Christ / Andrew Louth.

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