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Table of Contents
Correcting a copy, editing a text. Alexandrian Ekdosis and Papyri / Franco Montanari
Pioneers of grammar. Hellenistic scholarship and the study of language / Lara Pagani
The Greek origins of the Romans and the Roman origins of Homer in the Homeric scholia and in POxy. 3710 / Paola Ascheri
Observations on Observations on Observations on & Pi; & epsilon; & rho; & iota; & epsilon; & pi; & iota; & rho; & rho; & eta; & mu; & alpha; & tau; & omega;nu by Apollonius Dyscolus / Silvia Consonni
The Making of Greek scholiastic Corpora / Fausto Montana.
Pioneers of grammar. Hellenistic scholarship and the study of language / Lara Pagani
The Greek origins of the Romans and the Roman origins of Homer in the Homeric scholia and in POxy. 3710 / Paola Ascheri
Observations on Observations on Observations on & Pi; & epsilon; & rho; & iota; & epsilon; & pi; & iota; & rho; & rho; & eta; & mu; & alpha; & tau; & omega;nu by Apollonius Dyscolus / Silvia Consonni
The Making of Greek scholiastic Corpora / Fausto Montana.