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Table of Contents
Between daydream and nightmare: fin de siècle Jewish journeys and the British imagination / Hannah Ewence
The Jews of leeds: immigrant identity in the provinces 1880-1920 / James Appell
"Good Jews and civilized, self-reliant Englishmen": crafting Anglo-Jewish education in the 19th century / Sara Abosch
What's in a name?: the changing titles of Norwood, the Jewish children's orphanage / Lawrence Cohen
"True art makes for the integration of the race": Israel Zangwill and the varieties of the Jewish normalization discourse in fin de siècle Britain / Arie M. Dubnov
"Some lesser known aspects": the anti-fascist campaign of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, 1936-40 / Daniel Tilles
"The dark alien executive": Jewish producers, émigres and the British film industry in the 1930s / Edward Marshall.
The Jews of leeds: immigrant identity in the provinces 1880-1920 / James Appell
"Good Jews and civilized, self-reliant Englishmen": crafting Anglo-Jewish education in the 19th century / Sara Abosch
What's in a name?: the changing titles of Norwood, the Jewish children's orphanage / Lawrence Cohen
"True art makes for the integration of the race": Israel Zangwill and the varieties of the Jewish normalization discourse in fin de siècle Britain / Arie M. Dubnov
"Some lesser known aspects": the anti-fascist campaign of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, 1936-40 / Daniel Tilles
"The dark alien executive": Jewish producers, émigres and the British film industry in the 1930s / Edward Marshall.