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Disney dad / Amitava Kumar
Gaining a daughter: a father's transgendered tale / Lennard J. Davis
Gifts from the sea / David G. Campbell
The luck of the irish / F.D. Reeve
Shifting the tectonic plates of academia / Jerald Walker
Hair-raising experiences / John W. Wells
A river runs through it: queer theory and fatherhood / Joseph Gelfer
On writing and rearing / David Blake
How to do things with words / Ira L. Strauber
On fecundity, fidelity, and expectation: reflections on philosophy and fatherhood / J. Aaron Simmons
Sheathing the sword / Gregory Orfalea
Weighed but found wanting: ten years of being measured and divided / Robert Mayer
Vespers, matins, and lauds: the life of a liberal arts college professor / Ralph James Savarese
How white was my prairie / Mark Montgomery
Meniscus / Robert Gray
Once was lost / John Bryant
Shared attention: hearing Cameron's voice / Mark Osteen
Accidental academic, deliberate dad / Kevin G. Barnhurst
Late fatherhood among the baptists / Andrew Hazucha
Being a dad, studying fathers: personal reflections / William Marsiglio
Single dad in academia: fatherhood and the redemption of scholarship / Eric H. du Plessis
Superheroes / Stanford W. Carpenter
Maybe it is just math: fatherhood and disease in academia / Jason Thompson
Dreaming of direction: reconciling fatherhood and ambition / Mike Augsperger
Making a home for family and scholarship / Ting Man Tsao
Change is here, but we need to talk about it: reflections on black fatherhood in the academy / Jeffrey B. Leak
Vocabularies and their subversion: a reminiscence / John Domini
Balancing diapers and a doctorate: the adventures of a single dad in grad school / Charles Bane
It's a chapter-book, huh: teaching, writing, and early fatherhood / Alex Vernon
Pitcher this: an academic dad's award-winning attempt to be in two places at once / Colin Irvine
Odd quirks / Christopher Gabbard
The precarious private life of professor father fiction chef and other possible poignancies / Gary McCullough.

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