Linked e-resources


Welcome to library land / Teresa Y. Neely
Entry-level jobs in academic libraries / Teresa Y. Neely with Kathleen B. Garcia
How to read a job ad : seeing the obvious, and reading between the lines / Sever Bordeianu and Christina M. Desai
Compiling an application packet that doesn't make the search committee want to kill you / Sarah L. Stohr
You have the right to remain silent throughout the interview process / Teresa Y. Neely
The phone interview : take your best foot out of your mouth and put it forward / Teresa Y. Neely with Monica Etsitty Dorame
Live and in-person : get ready to meet the entire library family / Daniel Barkley
Your presentation : it should not be ridiculous / Sarah L. Stohr and Bruce Neville
Job offers, negotiations, and all the wonderful things you can ask for! / Evangela Q. Oates and Teresa Y. Neely
The eight-month marathon : from library school to new librarian / Silvia Lu.

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