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Part I: The Volcanic Ash Crisis: What Happened And Lessons Learned
1. What Happened and Lessons Learned: A European and International Perspective / Alberto Alemanno
2. Which Risk and Who Decides When There Are So Many Players? / Donald Macrae
3. The Financial Impact of the Volcanic Ash Crisis on the European Airline Industry / Maddalena Ragona, Francesca Hansstein and Mario Mazzocchi
Part II: Revisiting The Volcanic Ash Crisis: Ideologies, Narratives And Communication Of Emergency Risk Regulation
4. Risk and the Role of Scientific Input for Contingency Planning: A Response to the April 2010 Eyjafjallajökull Volcano Eruption / Chris Johnson and Alain Jeunemaitre
5. Representing Emergency Risks: Media, Risks and 'Acts of God' in the Volcanic Ash Cloud / Adam Burgess
6. The Challenge of Emergency Risk Communication: Lessons Learned in Trust and Risk Communication from the Volcanic Ash Crisis / Sweta Chakraborty
Part III: Beyond The Ash Crisis: The Many Facets Of Emergency Risk Regulation
7. Paradigms Lost: Emergency Safety Regulation under Scientific and Technical Uncertainty / Vincent Brannigan
8. If and When: Towards Standard-based Regulation in the Reduction of Catastrophic Risks / Alfredo Fioritto and Marta Simoncini
9. Normative Uncertainty and Ethics in Emergency Risk Regulation / A.M. Viens
Part IV: The Organizational Mechanisms Of Emergency Risk Regulation
10. Effective Regulatory Processes for Crisis Management: An Analysis of Codified Crisis Management in Europe / Lorenza Jachia and Valentin Nikonov
11. Abrupt Environmental Changes: Scenario Planning for Catastrophic Security Risks / Chad Michael Briggs
12. Systemic Risks and the Reformation of the European Union Law Concerning Network Industries / Francisco B. López-Jurado
Part V: An Example Of Codified Emergency Risk Regulation: The Eu Passengers' Rights Regulation
13. Unexpected Turbulence: On the Application of the Denied Boarding Regulation to Exceptional Situations / Morten Broberg
14. The Volcanic Ash Crisis and EU Air Passenger Rights / Nick Bernard
Part VI: New Ideas For Emergency Risk Regulation
15. The Fallout from the Fallout: Hazards, Risks and Organizational Learning / Christopher Lawless
16. Rising from the Ashes: A Governance Perspective on Emerging Systemic Risks / Giuliano G. Castellano
Epilogue / Alberto Alemanno.

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