

Introduction: Labor struggles, collective action, and law / Kenneth M. Casebeer
Prelude: The slave rebellion in New City of 1712 / Kenneth M. Casebeer
The first American labor case (1806) / Walter C. Nelles
"The oppressing hand of avarice would enslave us" : women, work, and protest in the early Lowell Mills (1834-36) / Thomas Dublin
Consensus, hegemony, and the case of the Knights of Labor / Leon Fink
The citizen striker : workers' ideology in the homestead strike of 1892 / Linda G. Schneider
The Debs revolution / Sidney Lens
The Pullman boycott and the making of modern America / David Montgomery
Law and the shaping of the American labor movement : government by injunction / William E. Forbath
Industrial unionism / Eugene V. Debs
The IWW and free speech fights / Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
Spokane, 1909-10 / Philip S. Foner
What's left of solidarity? : reflections on law, race, and labor history (1906) / Martha R. Mahoney
"We have just begun" : black organizing and white response in the Arkansas Delta (1919) / Kieran Taylor
The Bisbee deportation (1917) / Philip Taft
The open shops tested : the Great Steel Strike of 1919 / Ahmed A. White
Gastonia and textiles (1929) / Mary Heaton Vorse
The Gastonia striker's case / Harvard Law Review, 1930
Distinctly American radicalism and the coastwide and general strike in San Francisco of 1934 / Kenneth M. Casebeer
The Toledo Auto-Lite Strike of 1934 and the fight against "wage slavery" / Rebecca E. Zietlow & James Gray Pope
Aliquippa : the company town and protested power in the construction of law (1935-1937) / Kenneth M. Casebeer
Violence in little steel : the Chicago Massacre (1938) / Mary Heaton Vorse
Worker lawmaking, sit-down strikes, and the shaping of American industrial relations, 1935-1939 / James Gray Pope
Mutiny, shipboard strikes, and the Supreme Court's subversion of the New Deal Labor Law (1938) / Ahmed A. White
Steele v. Louisville and the Nashville Railroad Company (1944) / Eric Arnesen
Elk lumber, slowdowns, and the suppression of worker solidarity (1950) / James Atleson
Martin Luther King, Jr., the crisis of black working class, and the Memphis Sanitation Strike (1968) / Michael K. Honey
Local 1330 v. U.S. Steel (1977-1980) / Staughton Lynd
"Tying the knot of solidarity" the Pittston Strike of 1989-1990 / James Green
Organizing home care : low-waged workers in the welfare state (2002) / Eileen Boris & Jennifer Klein
Of service workers, contracting out, joint employment, legal consciousness, and the University of Miami (2006) / Kenneth M. Casebeer
Revolt on Goose Island : the Chicago factory takeover and what it says about the economic crisis (2008) / Kari Lydersen
"Don't buy Koch, " dismantling public workers unions and government services in Wisconsin (2011) / Kenneth M. Casebeer.

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