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Father, daughter, and schooling-curriculum theorizing from a critical race feminist perspective / Theodorea Regina Berry
Two scoops vanilla: teaching against the notion of white savior / Brian Schultz
Constructing space for elementary school students to talk about race and take action to create change / Sachi Feris
Owning the "Buts": high school students confront history and heterosexualism / Connie North
Youth teaching teachers: bridging racial and cultural divides between teachers and students / Tara M. Brown, Summer Clark, and Thurman Bridges
Breaking the cycle of racism in the classroom: critical race reflections from future teachers of color / Rita Kohli
Maggie and me: A black professor and a white urban school teacher connect autoethnography to critical race pedagogy / Sherick Hughes
Du Boisian double consciousness in the multicultural classroom and the questions it raises / Hilton Kelly
An academic in the classroom: uncovering and resisting the barriers to racial equity in public school / Benjamin Blaisdell
Understanding equity: a Brown lesson in a teacher education program from a critical race feminist perspective / Theodorea Regina Berry
Where am I going, where have I been? a critical reflexion on Black-Jewish relations, Jewish political shifts to the right, and the preparation of young Jewish women for teaching "other people's children" / Josh Diem
La polĂ­tica vecindaria: a micro to macro lens on immigrant newcomer students in U.S. Schools / Leticia Alvarez and Francisco Rios
Race, wealth, and the commons / Dedrick Muhammad and Chuck Collins
Profitting from racism: a family history of how race and class privilege created wealth / Cooper Thompson
The myth and math of affirmative action / Goodwin Liu
Toward an informed and transparent philosophy of racial diversity for colleges of education / Sherick Hughes and Dale Snauwaert
The race for president and a precedent for race: lessons from NCLB and bringing race to the top / Zeus Leonardo
"I'm the daughter of a U.S. Marine": An interview with Nadia Hassan on racialization, misrepresentation, and mistreatment of Muslim women in post 9/11 America / Nadia Hassan and Sherick Hughes

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