

pt. 1. lecture 1. Definitions, boundaries and goals
lecture 2. Homer I: Introduction to epic and the Iliad
lecture 3. Homer II: Iliad, the wrath of Achilles
lecture 4. Homer III: the return of Achilles
lecture 5. Homer IV: Odyssey, introduction and prelude
lecture 6. Homer V: Odyssey, the adventures
lecture 7. Homer VI, Odyssey, reintegration
lecture 8. Hesiod: Theogony and Works and days
lecture 9. Homeric hymns
lecture 10. Lyric poetry I: Archilochus and Solon
lecture 11. Lyric poetry II: Sappho and Alcaeus
lecture 12. Tragedy: Contexts and conventions.

pt. 2. lecture 13. Aeschylus I: Persians
lecture 14. Aeschylus II: Agamemnon
lecture 15. Aeschylus III: Libation bearers and Eumenides
lecture 16. Sophocles I: Ajax and Philoctetes
lecture 17. Sophocles II: Oedipus the King
lecture 18. Sophocles III: Oedipus at Colonus and Antigone
lecture 19. Euripides I: Electra, Orestes, Trojan women
lecture 20. Euripides II: Medea and Hippolytus
lecture 21. Euripides III: The Bacchae
lecture 22. Aristophanes I: Introduction to old comedy
lecture 23. Aristophanes II: Acharnians and Lysistrata
lecture 24. Aristophanes III: The frogs and The clouds.

pt. 3. lecture 25. Herodotus I: Introduction to history
lecture 26. Herodotus II: The Persian Wars
lecture 27. Thucydides I: The Peloponnesian War
lecture 28. Thucydides II: Books 1-5
lecture 29. Thucydides III: Books 6-7
lecture 30. Plato I: The philosopher as literary author
lecture 31. Plato II: Symposium
lecture 32. Plato III: Phaedrus
lecture 33. Rhetoric and oratory
lecture 34. Hellenistic poetry I: Callimachus and Theocritus
lecture 35. Hellenistic poetry II: Apollonius
lecture 36. Looking back and looking forward.

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