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Introduction / Carsten Breul, Edward Göbbel & Alexander Thiel
Contrastive topics and distributed foci as instances of sub-informativity : a comparison of English and German / Volker Gast
Givenness and discourse anaphors / Luis López
Constraints on subject-focus mapping in French and English : a contrastive analysis / Knud Lambrecht
Wh-questions in French and English : mapping syntax to information structure / Paul Boucher
A comparative perspective on intensive reflexives : English and Hebrew / Dana Cohen
Focus types and argument asymmetries : a cross-linguistic study in language production / Stavros Skopeteas and Gisbert Fanselow
Topicality in L1-acquisition : a contrastive analysis of null subject expressions in child French and German / Nicole Hauser-Grüdl
Formal and functional constraints on constituent order and their universality / Peter Öhl
On the foundations of the contrastive study of information structure / Carsten Breul.

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