

What is literary studies? Tradition and the individual talent / T.S. Eliot
The function of criticism at the present time / Northrop Frye
Black critics and the pitfalls of canon formation / Cornel West
Introduction: The humanist myth / Gerald Graff
Lessons of history / Gauri Viswanathan. What is literary theory? The resistance to theory / Paul de Man
The search for grounds in literary study / J. Hillis Miller
Postmodern blackness / bell hooks
Literary theory and 'Third world literature': some contexts / Aijaz Ahmad
The politics of knowledge / Edward W. Said. Rhetoric and reader response. Interpreting the Variorum / Stanley Fish
Reading ourselves: toward a feminist theory of reading / Patrocinio Schweickart
Apostrophe, animation, and abortion / Barbara Johnson
Rhizome and resistance: hypertext and the dreams of a new culture / Stuart Moulthrop. Structuralism and semiotics. Selections from Course in General Linguistics / Ferdinand de Saussure
What is criticism? / Roland Barthes
Disneyland: a degenerate utopia / Louis Marin
Semiotics and experience / Teresa de Lauretis. Deconstruction and poststructuralism. Convention and meaning: Derrida and Austin / Jonathan Culler
The principle of reason: the university in the eyes of its pupils / Jacques Derrida
What is an author? / Michel Foucault
Constructing the subject: deconstructing the text / Catherine Belsey. Psychology and psychoanalysis. The mirror stage / Jacques Lacan
Psychoanalysis and education: teaching terminable and interminable / Shoshana Felman
Two ways to avoid the real of desire / Slavoj Zizek
Visual pleasure and narrative cinema / Laura Mulvey. Historical criticism. Discourse in life and discourse in art / Mikhail Bakhtin (V.N. Volosinov)
Base and superstructure in Marxist cultural theory / Raymond Williams
Invisible bullets: renaissance authority and its subversion / Stephen Jay Greenblatt
The occidental Alice / Nancy Armstrong.

Feminism and gender studies. Reading like a feminist / Diana Fuss
Pandora's box: subjectivity, class, and sexuality in socialist feminist criticism / Cora Kaplan
Variations on sex and gender: Beauvoir, Wittig, and Foucault / Judith Butler
Homo-narcissism; or, Heterosexuality / Michael Warner. Cultural studies. From culture to hegemony / Dick Hebdige
Cultural studies: two paradigms / Stuart Hall
The translation of cultures / James Clifford
A Cyborg manifesto: science, technology, and socialist-feminism in the late twentieth century / Donna Haraway.

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