

Chronology of mythical and historical dynasties: Chinese setting: Early peoples: Yangshao
First historical period: Shang
Growth of a feudal society: Rise of Chou
Emergence of Chhin
Unification of China
Myths and their sources: Li Szu and the burning of books
Fall of Chhin
Confucianism rewritten
Other philosophical schools
Creation of the world: Order from chaos
Creation of man
Structure of the physical world
Heavenly bodies
Earth, water and wind: Eastern sea
Cardinal mountains
Count of the river
Useful arts: Nu-kua and Fu-hsi
Yao and Khun
Yu, master of floods
Huang ti and Chhih-yu
Peasant myths: Ox, helper of farmers
Origins of crops
Pumpkin-girl and the Great Wall
Tshai, the brickmaker
Popular myths of the great gods
Heavenly empire: Supreme emperor
Household and personal gods
Kuan Ti, the god of war
Sky-god and his bureaucrats
Gds of the soil: district administrators
Guardians of the home
Demon spirits
Men and animals: How the oxen twisted their horns
Dog who married a princess
Farmer who befriended a fox
Miraculous chhi-lin
Modern Myths: Prince who could not find a wife
Peasant girl and the princess.

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