

Darwin : on changing the mind / Philip Appleman (2000)
Darwin's life. Who is Darwin / Ernst Mayr (1991)
Scientific thought : just before Darwin. Biology before the Beagle / Gavin de Beer (1964) ; An essay on the principle of population / Thomas Robert Malthus (1798) ; Natural theology / William Paley (1802) ; Zoological philosophy / Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet Lamarck (1809) ; Principles of geology / Charles Lyell (1830-33) ; The study of natural philosophy / John Herschel (1830) ; Astronomy and general physics considered with reference to natural theology / William Whewell (1833) ; On the tendency of varieties to depart indefinitely from the original type / Alfred Russel Wallace (1858)
Selections from Darwin's work. The Voyage of the Beagle (1845) ; On the tendency of species to form varieties, and On the perpetuation of varieties and species by natural means of selections (1858) ; An historical sketch of the progress of opinion on the origin of species, previously to the publication of this work (1861) ; The origin of species (1859) ; The descent of man (1871)
Darwin's influence on science. The Victorian opposition to Darwin ; Victorian supporters of Darwin ; Darwin and the shaping of modern science ; Scientific method in evolution ; The neo-Darwinian synthesis ; The human genealogy ; Punctuated equilibrium ; Rethinking taxonomy ; Evolution as observable fact
Darwinian patterns in social thought. Competition and cooperation ; Nature and nurture ; Evolution and gender ; Evolution and other disciplines
Darwinian influences in philosophy and ethics. The influence of Darin on philosophy / John Dewey (1909) ; Darwin's dangerous idea : natural selection as an algorithmic process / Daniel C. Dennett (1995) ; Darwinian epistemology / Michael Ruse (1998) ; Evolution and ethics / Thomnas Henry Huxley (1893) ; Evolutionary ethics / Julian Huxley (1943) ; The evolution of ethics / Michael Ruse and Edward O. Wilson (1985) ; The origins of virtue / Matt Ridley (1997)
Evolutionary theory and religious theory. Mainstream religious support for evolution ; Fundamentalist creationism ; Personal incredulity and antievolutionism ; Scientists' opposition to creationism ; Fundamentalist creationism and the value of satire
Darwin and the literary mind. Darwin's literary sensibility ; Darwin's influence on literature.

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