

Part 1. Tolkien sub-creator. Fantasy and reality : J.R.R. Tolkien's world and the fairy-story essay
The music and the task : fate and free will in Middle-earth
Tolkien and the idea of the book
Tolkien on Tolkien : "On fairy-stories," The hobbit, and The lord of the rings
When is a fairy story a faërie story? Smith of Wootton Major
The footsteps of Ælfwine
The curious incident of the dream at the barrow : memory and reincarnation in Middle-earth
Whose myth is it?
Part 2. Tolkien in tradition. Tolkien's Wild Men from medieval to modern
Tolkien and the matter of Britain
Frodo and Aragorn : the concept of the hero
Bilbo's neck riddle
Allegory vs. bounce : Tolkien's Smith of Wootton Major, Flieger, Shippey
A mythology for Finland : Tolkien and Lönnrot as mythmakers
Tolkien, Kalevala, and "The story of Kullervo"
Brittany and Wales in Middle-earth
The Green Knight, the Green Man, and Treebeard : scholarship and invention in Tolkien's fiction
Missing person
Part 3. Tolkien and his century. A cautionary tale : Tolkien's mythology for England
The mind, the tongue, and the tale
A post-modern medievalist
Taking the part of trees : eco-conflict in Middle-earth
Gilson, Smith, and Baggins
The body in question : the unhealed wounds of Frodo Baggins
A distant mirror : Tolkien and Jackson in the looking-glass.

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