

A tale of two taxes / Janet Byrne.
Pt. 1. How We Got Here.
Advice from the 1 percent: lever up, drop out / Michael Lewis
The widening gyre: inequality, polarization, and the crisis / Paul Krugman and Robin Wells
Take a stand: sit in / Philip Dray
The 5 percent / Michael Hiltzik
Hidden in plain sight: the problem of silos and silences in finance / Gillian Tett
What good is Wall Street? / John Cassidy
Inequality and intemperate policy / Raghuram Rajan
Your house as an ATM: the myth of homeownership / Bethany McLean
Against political capture: occupiers, muckrakers, progressives / Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson
A nation of business junkies / Arjun Appadurai
Causes of financial crises past and present: the role of the this-time-is-different syndrome / Carmen M. Reinhart and Kenneth S. Rogoff
Government as tough love: sitting down with Robert Shiller / Brandon Adams.

Pt. 2. Where We Are Now:
Occupy Wall Street's anarchist roots / David Graeber
Economic insecurity and inequality breed political instability / Nouriel Roubini
A master class in occupation / Chris Hedges
Is democracy still in the streets? / James Miller
The arc of communism: lessons for Occupy Wall Street? / Robert M. Buckley
Globalization and the perils of democracy / Pankaj Mishra
"15M": the indignados / Salvador Martí Puig
In the footsteps of Salvador Allende: Chile and the Occupy Movement / Ariel Dorfman
¡Basta ya!: Chilean students say "enough" / Nora Lustig, Alejandra Mizala, and G. Eduardo Silva
Occupying the Israeli street: the tents protest movement and social justice in the Holy Land / Neri Zilber
From Tahrir to Zuccotti: justice but no peace in Egypt / Chris Stanton
From resistance to revolution à la française / Robert Zaretsky
Occupy the media: journalism for (and by) the 99 percent / Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan
On the meaning of occupation / Michael Greenberg
Unions build the middle class / David Madland, Karla Walter, and Nick Bunker
Occupy Wall Street: the first quarter and beyond / George Gresham
Where is the demand for redistribution? / Ilyana Kuziemko and Michael I. Norton
U.S. cultural decline: the overlooked intangibles / Brandon Adams
Civil society at ground zero / Rebecca Solnit
The making of the American 99 percent and the collapse of the middle class / Barbara Ehrenreich and John Ehrenreich.

Pt. 3. Solutions.
Occupy K Street / Paul Volcker
Interview with Emmanuel Saez / Kathleen Maclay
Taxing high earnings / Peter Diamond and Emmanuel Saez
Commentary / J. Bradford DeLong
Boycott!: Michael Lewis interviews himself / Michael Lewis
Reforming Western capitalism / Martin Wolf
How Occupy Wall Street can restore the clout of the 99 percent / Scott Turow
Psychopaths, Inc.: on corporate personhood / Joel Bakan
Occupy democracy / Robert B. Reich
Taxing the 1 percent of the 1 percent / David Cay Johnston
The short sell: an interview with Matt Taibbi / Tom Verlaine
Smart loans / Eliot Spitzer
Enough with occupying Wall Street: it's time to start preoccupying Wall Street / Lawrence Weschler
Reframing the debate / Tyler Cowen and Veronique de Rugy
Voluntary financial transactions tax / Brandon Adams
Medicare for all / Jeff Madrick
Countering the dangers of procyclicality / Daniel Gross
Principal reduction: how to reduce the mortgage burden / Felix Salmon
How bankruptcy contributed to the mortgage crisis and how it could help the economy recover / Michelle J. White and Wenli Li
Occupy global capitalism / Jeffrey D. Sachs
Debt jubilee / Michael Hudson
Another way to resist Wall Street: copies, smuggling, and "globalization from below" / Gordon Mathews
Coda: "the last capitalist on Wall Street" / Brandon Adams.

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