

Introduction / Volker Janssen
Engineering the Golden State, 1900-1930
California's Fantasy Future at the 1915 : San Diego Panama-California Exposition / L. Chase Smith
Hetch Hetchy : Technics, Politics, and Culture in Progressive Era California / Bruce Sinclair
A Deep Tradition of Computing Technology : Calculating electrification in the American West / Aristotle Tympas
The Public Relations of Urban Form : Los Angeles Traffic Commission and the Major Traffic Street Plan of 1924 / Matthew W. Roth
Technology and the West since 1945
From the American West to Afghanistan : The Technology of Large Dams and the Issue of Travel / Linda Nash
Landmark of Death : Safety, Responsibility, and the Question of a Suicide Barrier for the Golden Gate Bridge / Louise Nelson Dyble
Engineering Gender Revolution : Caltech and the Tensions of Women's Technical Minds / Amy Bix
Aerospace and Surfing : Connecting Two California Keynotes / Peter Neushul and Peter Westwick
Transcending Technologies and the Global West
California Scale : Vision and Subjectivity in Charles and Ray Eames's Powers of Ten / Jason Weems
"Would Your Answers Spoil My Questions?" : Art and Technology at the RAND Corporation, 1968-1971 / Stephanie Young
"Time in Place" : Is There a California Style in Aerospace Timekeeping Technologies? / Carlene Stephens
Of Futures and Fringes : California's Technological Enthusiasts, 1970-1990 / Patrick McCray.

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