

Introduction: Reconstructing Arda
Pt.1. The Ainulindalë and the Valaquenta
Ainulindalë (the music of the Ainur)
Valaquenta (account of the Valar)
Pt.2. Quenta Silmarillion (the history of the Silmarils)
"Of the beginning of days"
"Of Aulë and Yavanna"
"Of the coming of the elves and the captivity of Melkor"
"Of Thingol and Melian"
"Of Eldmar and the princes of the Eldalië"
"Of Fëanor and the unchaining of Melkor"
"Of the Silmarils and the unrest of the Noldor"
"Of the darkening of Valinor"
"Of the flight of the Noldor"
"Of the Sindar"
"Of the sun and the moon and the hiding of Valinor"
"Of men"
"Of the return of the Noldor"
"Of Beleriand and its realms"
"Of the Noldor in Beleriand"
"Of Maeglin"
"Of the coming of men into the west"
"Of the ruin of Beleriand and the fall of Fingolfin"
"Of Beren and Lúthien"
"Of the fifth battle"
"Of Túrin Turambar"
"Of the ruin of Doriath"
"Of Tuor and the fall of Gonodolin"
"Of the voyage of Eärendil and the war of wrath"
Pt.3. The Akallabêth, of the rings of power and the third age, and the appendices to the Silmarillion
Akallabêth (the downfall of Númenor)
Of the rings of power and the third age
Appendices to the Silmarillion
Conclusion: Arda reconstructed.

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