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The role of the academic library as an interdisciplinary knowledge hub / Daniel C. Mack
The structuring work of disciplines / Roberta Astroff
Disciplinary morphologies, interdisciplinarities: conceptualizations and implications for academic libraries / Jean-Pierre V.M. Herubel
Scholarly practices in a globally linked, technology-enhanced academy / Jill Woolums
Managing the interdisciplinary information universe : artisan activities in a machine environment / Ann Copeland
Collection development: acquiring content across and beyond disciplines / Gretchen E. Reynolds, Cynthia Holt, and John C. Walsh
Area studies librarianship and interdisciplinarity: globalization, the long tail, and the cloud / Dan Hazen
Digital collections and digital scholarship in the academic library: an interdisciplinary opportunity / Mark Dahl
The changing role of the subject specialist librarian / Evelyn Ehrlich and Angela CarreƱo
Teaching research across disciplines: interdisciplinarity and information literacy / Maralyn Jones
Research centers, collaborative data initiatives, and centers of excellence: extending and applying interdisciplinary research and the role of the library / Johann van Reenen and Kevin J. Comerford
Shaping the future through interdisciplinary integration / Craig Gibson.

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