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Table of Contents
Introduction: imaging emperor and empire in the middle Byzantine era
1. Emulation: Islamic imports in the iconoclastic era: power, prestige, and the imperial image
2. Appropriation: stylistic juxtaposition and the expression of power
3. Parity: crafting a Byzantine-Islamic community of kings
4. Expropriation: rhetorical images of the emperor and the articulation of difference
5. Incomparability: the aesthetics of imperial authority
1. Emulation: Islamic imports in the iconoclastic era: power, prestige, and the imperial image
2. Appropriation: stylistic juxtaposition and the expression of power
3. Parity: crafting a Byzantine-Islamic community of kings
4. Expropriation: rhetorical images of the emperor and the articulation of difference
5. Incomparability: the aesthetics of imperial authority